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I hate to beat a dead horse....but..............


New member
I hate to ask this, but I have decided to consider a different oven. I am looking into the xlt and would like to know the pros and cons of this one. I currently have the newer lincolns-1450’s and only desire to have a conveyor.
I know we have beat the horse to death but the faq link did not show any substantial conversation about this model.
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Where in Florida are you located? If you’re anywhere near Gainesville, come cook in my XLT. Bring your own dough, or use my mixer to make it. I’ve also got a lincoln X-2 so you can spend all day adjusting the Xlt to cook your product right. Best cooking oven I’ve used.
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Paul…what type of pie/crust do you bake in your lincolns? and are you familiar with the impinger 2 with the 18" belt? (my vent hood will only cover 50" total depth) I believe its a 1132 or 1160. also we do a lot of slices, can you repeatidly open the door or do you need an oven with a window to keep from losing a lot of heat?

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