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I like SPAM, but what's up with the TT lately?


New member
OK, SPAM, the “you don’t want to know what’s in it” kind has a soft spot in my heart…guess as a child of the 60’s it was inbred. What I don’t like is SPAM that has been showing up on the Tank lately. Has some filter been changed up that all of a sudden is letting it through or is it just that much more prevalent in this economy? Either way, it makes me hinky thinking of the viral activity that could be hiding inside one of these messages just waiting for an idiot like me to stumble by.
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Much of what I have seen has been removed promptly after using the “report post” button…So thanks go out to the moderators for their hard work…
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In the past week I have deleted nearly 300 post and close to 100 users have been banned. PMQ are aware there are problems and are working on them. In the mean time I try to check in on things every hour or 2.
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I have been reporting them tooo.

The other kind of spam is good fried and served with Franco-American spaghetti!
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Me too. I think about 30+. Deacon I also asked our wonderful mod from the North about the issue and if somehow settings were changed to let the fishing bots join and post. I think PMQ should require some type of verification system for new members before they can post. I know a headache but bots hate it! Even better… I will volunteer to hit the road with Nick to personally interview all new members. Kind of like the VPN pizza requirements. Did everyone read the fee page! :shock: The member pays us thousands of dollars to have us come visit and if we like them…they get a pic of Nick and I and a certificate for the wall. Nick you in??? 8)
Hey, I want in on that road trip! I would like to concentrate on regions where the trout fishing is best:
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Steve I think we need a nice diesel pusher for this one…so we got room! I really want to know if you are wearing shoes in the stream? 😛
Thank you all for alerting us to the spam that’s made its way into the Think Tank lately. Huge thanks to Daddio for assisting us in keeping the spammers at bay.

Please be assured that our IT department is working on possible solutions to this problem, but as you all know, spammers can be tricky creatures.

Thanks for your patience.

Liz Barrett, editor-in-chief
PMQ Pizza Magazine
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I found it quite funny and ironic that this thread got spammed earlier tonight… :lol:
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Hey, PMQ IT folks…

it just ain’t that hard. All you have to do is have a system where the registration requires a validation via email. And, a captcha to register to begin with. Most people who are truly interested won’t object to these, and if they do, they’re rather oblivious.

I have no real info on my profile, but I sure won’t put anything important in any of my posts, or my profile, until something is done to secure the Think Tank just a little bit.
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I hope this is not premature but it looks like Bernard (Webmaster) has been able to find a solution to the problem. There have been restrictions put in place for new members so their first post must be approved by a Moderator. This will be much less time consuming than deleting SPAM and banning the offending users. Thanks for your understanding and tolerance over the last month or so. Now let’s get back to the business of making our businesses flourish.
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It is kind of quiet around here this morning. I was just getting used to being able to get my pizza info, porn, illegal dvd’s, and flat screen tv’s all from one source. Damn you TT for taking away all of the other non-pizza related content!!! At least we still have Steve and his fish! 😛

Also wanted to thank Daddio once again for keeping on top of all the spam and to PMQ for addressing it in a timely manner. :!: