I may regret asking this question.


New member
I’ve been gone for a year…what is the latest trend in POS?

Last I was in the know, Granbury was still stinging from hacking and support issues. Revention was hot but had as many detractors as supporters. POS seemed to be growing, especially because of its free version.

Heck, any of those could describe any POS.

What are the latest trends? I have some catching up to do. Thanks!
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Many of us here use Jeff’s POS and few, if any, would trade it for any other system…

No system is 100% for every operation, but Jeff & crew bend over backward to satisfy…

And once you know more about POS & Big Holler, you can resolve most issues that may arise…

And I don’t use all the modules, for a variety of reasons, but may add te table mgmt system shortly…
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One company took revenge on me when I complained about them, but I was told I couldn’t mention them on this forum again or I would get banned.

I did add Adelo Pos to my list of crappy companies to work with. They have quite possibly the worst customer service I have ever had the displeasure to deal with.
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I have worked with a few POS companies over the years. I used to beta test software for the largest POS provider in the world. The problem I had with them is they were not focused enough for me. It has bee 4 years now that we have been with Foodtec Solutions. They have truly delivered on everything they have promised. It is nice to deal with a company that has everything in one box, one phone call to make if their is an issue, and becasue the produce all their own software it works together great! We use our system for POS, Loyalty, Gift cards, surveillance, email marketing. They also have a great inventory Management system, and the scheduling module is easy as pie. I highly recommend dong a demo with them. You will not be sorry. Their are many good POS companies out their, but it is a painful process to try to find the best one. From my 22 years in the business, we are as happy as we could be. And we just got out iPhone and android app and it works like a charm. Their website is nothing to talk about, but their software is great. Good Luck!
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Well, nothing has improved. I have issue with some that you mentioned. If these companies would spend more on development and tech support than sales guys, things might be different. If I knew then what I know now… If I put in a new pos today I would probably use point of success.

What irritates me most with most of these companies is pci compliance. They all sell themselves as being certified compliant, but they don’t do everything that needs to be done. (Password changes, etc)
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Mr. Howie
I will tell you the company I use foodtec solutions is PIC Compliant. And I do have to change my password all the time. We have this system installed at all 5 of my locations. The biggest problem Foodtec has, is exactly what your are looking for. They do not have a sexy sales force and they do not have sexy marketing materials. What they have is the post software and development team in the POS industry. At least that revolves around pizza. I will tell you I have opened a new concept that is not pizza and the pos works great their also. Good luck, but you would be doing your-self a disservice if you don’t check them out.
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Is the price going up after the new release?
No, prices are staying the same.
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Yeah Foodtec Solution have to be the best company ever – I’ve used their software for 22 years and still like it. We are very dependent to the cutting edge interface and love the customer service. We called on Friday once after 10PM and someone called us back within 6 hours. You don’t find that with most companies! Great prices on gift cards. Online ordering is only 3% of my orders so I’m saving big with Foodtec Solutions on employee labor.
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My Foodtec online ordering expenses vary from $180 - $240 per month depending on my sales. I feel that this price is good but another online company called me the other day with much lower prices. I’m trying to grow my online sales with great offers and my online cost keeps going up.

What does everyone else pay for online ordering per month?
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Many of us here use Jeff’s POS and few, if any, would trade it for any other system…
My favorite things in life, in order:
  • My two children
  • My Point Of Success software
  • My wife
I’m kidding of course… one of the kids may still end up below Point Of Success.
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My Foodtec online ordering expenses vary from $180 - $240 per month depending on my sales. I feel that this price is good but another online company called me the other day with much lower prices. I’m trying to grow my online sales with great offers and my online cost keeps going up.

What does everyone else pay for online ordering per month?
Prism charges me $99/month for unlimited online ordering.

You say that someone called with lower prices but will it integrate with your foodtec system? If not, is it really worth the hassle of receiving a fax and having to enter into the computer?
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My Foodtec online ordering expenses vary from $180 - $240 per month …
Wow. You could literally write your own app for that and would be profitable within a year.
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Spoke with my credit card processor heartland about pos and online ordering today – They said many of their customers use Diamond Touch or Retention for online ordering. I like my pos software but my hardware is all breaking and not fees keep going up as my business grows. Just looking for options for the future.

Anybody know anything about these companies prices?

Also many users here seem to use point of success – do they finance complete pos packages as im not good with installing computer?
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POS does not finance equipment, and I believe a dealer can help with installation, but its not really difficult…

May of us have built great systems from used PC’s with few regrets…
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For all the POS sales and tech types, sorry…we’ve come down to the final two.

OK…after a lot of talking and rethinking and reviewing all my info from a year ago, we’ve come to a decision…almost.

There are 2 POS companies who have local distributors/support in St Louis that we have settled to. Micros and Digital Dining.

Neither has gotten a lot of play in any discussions here, but there is really no comparison between these and all the others. The “local” service (well, within 50 miles at least) makes for a lot of comfort in a truly serious situation, and the costs involved are in line or better than anything else.

A little background…I have a lot of IT background, especially with hardware. My assistant manager is going to junior college part-time working toward a computer degree. I have a brother-in-law who could write a POS that would probably blow anything else away, given the time and desire. I’m not stretching the truth, he’s just that good, and his years of IT management in Fortune 500 type companies supports that idea.

So, hardware support is absolutely no problem.

Micros’ top drawer system has everything we need, and it’s a far cry better now than when I looked at it a year ago. The delivery module is vastly improved, most importantly. The cost of 2 stations plus back office is the same as 3 of the Digital Dining, though. Micros also has solid state hardware, more like a flash drive type system than a normal PC.

Digital Dining absolutely blows me away. All the little things make a huge difference—smart tax, so a drink only has tax included, a drink and food is cost plus tax. System protection against tables with no drink orders, to help prevent free drinks going to friends. Table icons give status of the table, the delivery module does everything we need. Loyalty and CC well integrated.

Add to that the overall support the DD vendor offers: they sponsor a local restaurant association of sorts, with a discount card, networking, group purchasing opportunities, AND free or reduced foodservice sanitation training for employees. I got my managers ServSafe training free, even before we signed on the line with them.

I don’t see any reason to consider anything but Digital Dining. They’ve been doing this for 30 years, and it just plain impresses me. The cost, 3 stations plus back being the same as 2 stations from Micros, the fact that DD uses standard PCs, the extra networking system, all that has convinced me.

Plus, I have a strange feeling about Micros. Since they have remote backup, what if we would choose to not pay for the ongoing service? While it wasn’t stated in so many ways, it sounds like we would lose access to our backup. I hope someone will tell me wrong.

It’s not in stone yet, but my lean is strong towards DD. Anyone (NOT a vendor, please) have something to convince me toward Micros?

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just to let everyone know…the POS companies and other vendors do monitor
these forums…fora. Thanks to all of them who hsvr shown interest in getting our business.
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I’ve been a Food Tec customer for 7 years now.
I’ve come across pleasant people and not so pleasant
People who have worked there. All in all , they put out a
Great product and I have no complaints. It is a high end system,
But you get what you pay for. Sales have increased roughly 90% over
The 7 year period for me .
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