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I need a POS system for ipad

Getting closer to being open and I want to use the ipad for my POS. Anybody have recommendations for Ipad pos software and support?

Seems like that ipad can do everything a big expensive POS system can do. Plus you can take it from the counter to the office to the tables.

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You can use Point of Success and use a remote log in…but why do you ‘need’ to use an ipad? Really…& i’m an avid Mac fan & an ipad user…

The cost can get out of control using an ipad…if you are delivering pies, there isn’ a ipad system…yet…

Micros has a nice pricey system…

I used to rep (still do, kinda) Ambur, but too can be pricey, but folks an ring their own iphone to the game…

I’ve used many POS over the years & P.o.S will dothe job, with or w/o an ipad…
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Every nice POS system and software that I have researched is at least 2 to 3 times more money than having an ipad and the program/service. Why spend all that money when for a fraction of the cost you can have the same thing. I’m looking at ipad $600 plus 80 a month for the service. Or just a flat fee for the program. Revention starts at $2000 for a basic set up.

I don’t want it for delivery. I want it for the counter when people walk in and order.
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I can’t really add much to the conversation in terms of the iPad and software, but I will say when I started out I said, “Why spend xx when I can use this computer with this software for a 4th the price”. That was 2 years ago, I just upgraded to a revention system because I didn’t take into account all the features that other software “can do”, just can’t do well. Having now had my new system, if I could go back and do it all over again I would have gone with revention from day 1. May have seemed like more at first, but in the long run through productivity savings, detailed reporting for marketing and cost control, so much cheaper.
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“Why spend all that money when for a fraction of the cost you can have the same thing”

:Because you are not getting the same thing.

“I’m looking at ipad $600 plus 80 a month for the service”

I am not sure what the “service” is but that is $960 per year which will eat up the price difference pretty quickly.

Also, based on the many threads about various POS systems on boards here, it is pretty clear that the best systems are purchases that the stores that have them would do again. This is coming from experienced operators who have tried other solutions. I have never heard of an Apple solution for POS. I have no doubt that they are out there and will likely proliferate, but I would not be interested in being a beta tester for such an important element of my operations.
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If you have a simple menu/operation, and some time, you might consider using the Square app…its functional, but not perfect…the more time you spend “tweaking” it the better off it might function…

As I said, Ambur is a unique solution and sattelite users (other iphones) are free…it has a table systemif you need it too…

But I’d still use Point of Success…a free version is available, and run it on a $100 pc…
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