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I need Clip Art


New member
I’m designing postcards to give customers for late deliveries. I can remember back with Domino’s and PJ’s we had these postcards with clip art of a guy changing a tire or something. Does anybody have something similar to this they can send me? Also, give me some ideas on what you guys have in your stores.



[email protected]
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“j_r0kk” said:
I’m designing postcards to give customers for late deliveries. I can remember back with Domino’s and PJ’s we had these postcards with clip art of a guy changing a tire or something. Does anybody have something similar to this they can send me? Also, give me some ideas on what you guys have in your stores.



This may be a start
I was just looking at it
hope this topic gets some play. I am looking to use postcards in my town for marketing and menu…small town, lots of snowbirds in the winter…
by the way, I may come through Kansas in March and see your place.
You seem to know more about the business than I ever will, and I am staring delivery this year…Is it still cold there in March ?

My wife is a copy editor for the major newspaper in Pittsburgh. I’ll see if she can find a good one for you.

But I was thinking… wouldn’t it be cool if you took pics of your own driver with a flat ? With your car topper on his car ? I think it would be great if you could personalize your postcard like that.

Maybe a driver standing at a customers door knocking with a worried look on his face looking at his watch ? An ashamed manager, standing by the oven, head down, begging for forgiveness ?

How about your cooks buried in orders with tickets down to the floor flowing from the printer ? Then have it read, "Wow we were busy ! We appreciated your order from the other night and we’re so sorry that it was late. Please accept a free order of ________.

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I can probably help you out designing one… I designed the old guy and made this website… of u find a clip art that u like I can fix it up and customize it for you with ur shop’s name etc… i’ll try to look for something, I can’t now cuz I’m replying from my cell phone but when I get home i’ll check… thos website is good too… if u find one send me the link and I will get it for u… I’m "a member "… let me know I 'll be glad to help u…
I’ve got access to a good library of PHOTOS - if you want a photo of a flat tire, or one being changed, let me know, and shoot me an email address…
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Thanks for all the input guys. Much appreciated.

td : Let me know what you’ve come up with.

MM : [email protected]

RaymiR : I’ll take a look at and see what they’ve got to offer. If td or MM can’t help me out I’ll use you as a back up. Thanks.

russ and saraH : Thanks for the input. I’m looking now.

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So you don’t like the idea of taking your own pics ???

Damn, I thought that was a good idea.

P.S. ^^ It blocks out the word d amn but spammers are allowed to use words like sex, blow job and other sexually explicit words ??? Nice filter.
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That’s because someone might talk about the subject, “You’ll blow out your knee doing that job”. -J_r0kk
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Oh, and pics are a great idea. My vision, though is something cartoon-like and friendly. -J_r0kk
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LOL, you know Tom’s going to pull this the second he sees it don’t ya. :lol: :lol: :lol: -J_r0kk
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LOL, you know Tom’s going to pull this the second he sees it don’t ya. :lol: :lol: :lol: -J_r0kk
I possibly have a disc at home that probably has what you need. It is a disc that is a collection of clip art. I am in Chicago for the next 7 days, but if you still want it when I get back drop me a line and I see if I still have it.
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