I think it is time fo different ovens


New member
My Lincoln 1100 ovens turn 39 this year. I believe it is time for an upgrade. I have a few questions and could use the advice.

Should I buy new? If so can I have some recommendations on what you like best.

Should I by refurbished?
My oven is a little over 40 years old and for a fleeting moment I thought about replacing it. However, when I thought about the repairs made over the last 3 years, I realized that with the exception of one component, I essentially have already rebuilt the entire oven! So, while a new oven would get me a new nameplate and clean windows, other than that, it wouldn’t get me much, especially when considering the hassle of reinstalling the fire suppression system.
I personally would just buy new ovens if I was in the market. Both EDGE and XLT ovens are like 13-15k for a 32 x 60 baking chamber and come with warranties. For the price I can’t imagine messing with old ovens. I do like EDGE ovens personally. I feel they cook fantastic.
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I’ll echo Clownhair … Perhaps the Lincoln’s of the the 80’s and 90’s were built more stable …2 of mine were ‘07 models and I had a ‘16 Fastbake (Best of the bunch)… I just bought 3 EDGE ovens in 2021 and LOVE them … My Lincolns we’re ok for a while, and then I was having recurrent issues with both the Solenoids, Valve, Control Boards and it was constantly happening during business hours, especially on a happening evening. The warranty and QOS on EDGE should be award winning … The options to change the top baffle pattern and change fan speed fine tune the baking of your pie is just amazing. I will say not having a door has its pluses and minuses as you cannot give it a quick internal clean without basically tearing it all down, but, it does make it nice to be able to take apart every item and clean it in the sink. Plus! Everything is stainless, including the door hinge/close plates, which I hat nothing but issues with the Lincoln ones warping and coming loose over the years. I highly recommend!
I’ve been in the process of installing new XLT ovens in all my locations. Triple stacks run about 40K with shipping and istallation.
Hello David,

Could you tell me why you choose XLT and why you choose a triple stack.

Thank you very much.

Wes Kronberg
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I’ve used the XLTs since 2007 in 2 of my locations. They bake great and I’ve probably spent only 4K to 5k total in repairs on all 6 ovens combined in 15 years. They just work.

Last summer we upgraded a middlby mashall triple stack in another location and will be doing one this summer at another.

There was no love loss on those middlebys. If I spent $5000 a year on repairs, it was a good year.

Yea it’s a lot. We have to do this double wall insulated duct, all this engineering, extra roof support because we have earthquakes, fire suppression. It goes on and on.
I’ve had a set of XLT ovens. Never had a mechanical issue but they are very loud as the fan moves a lot of air. In the past, people said the Edge was quieter and more energy efficient as your not blowing as much hot air out the ends.
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The new XLT ovens have a re - designed chamber with some extra baffels to improve air flow. The outer fingers direct air inward now so there is little to no air exiting the chamber