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Ideas for a giveaway


New member
My partner bought 5 new mountain bikes(he got them for practically nothing) and has passed them on to me to come up with a creative way to give them away.

Any ideas ?

Here’s what were looking for.
  1. Bring in new customers
  2. Gather customer information (address, email and cell phone #s)
  3. Give one away each week
  4. Create the most excitement possible
We have newspaper ad space and a radio ad that we can utilize for the promotion.

Thanks in advance.
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Man you have so many opportunities to do some really good creatives, and plus make money oot of it.

For mine I would look at a free ticket for every side ordered with 2 pizzas, or a minimum order value. This will increase you ticket value per person and that’s what we are all about. It will be the easiest way to upsell and will give your staff a motivational fun tool.

I would also get brightly coloured transfers (I think you guys call them decals) made of your logo and phone number etc and replace then for the ones on the bikes so they will always be know as (your business name) mountain bikes. This way your name is seen on the bike everywhere they go and and importantly in the constant view of the winner.

Also have a banner made advertising “Win a Bike a Week for 5 Weeks” and fly it roadside outside your shop. Also fly one on your shop or have a window signwritten for the promotion.

The opportunities and ideas are endless and I could out do my usual long posts without any trouble with this, but I will leave it to others for their input.

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wa dave,

The ideas don’t seem to be flowing as rapidly as we had thought they would. When you get a free moment I’d like to hear some more of yours.

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check with your local authorities. in my neck of the woods this is considered a lotto,(gambling)no purchase necessary is a must
I do this every Year. I give away a large 1 topping pizza for a donation to my local Police and Fire Department. A local Barbecue company joins the fun every year. We get a lot of local television and newspapers who cover it. I have done it every year on our anniversery. 4 years and great coversge, coming up on our 5th year soon. We give away the pizza for 6 hours.

check with your local authorities. in my neck of the woods this is considered a lotto,(gambling)no purchase necessary is a must
State laws can be tricky. In GA, you have to offer a means of free entry, like Coca Cola and everyone else does. You are not required to offer unlimited entries without purchase, though in GA. One entry, and then added ones for purchasing is clear, if I read the statute correctly.

If you are concerned about that sort of thing, you might consult the local Sherriff or an attorney about such things.
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wa dave,

The ideas don’t seem to be flowing as rapidly as we had thought they would. When you get a free moment I’d like to hear some more of yours.

Mate, I’m trying my hardest to find something creative for myself 😦

I don’t know how many staff you have but why don’t you get them and your family members together for a bit of a fun breakfast “think tank” morning. Get a big white board or flipchart and tell everyone they have to bring in at least 3 ideas each. Tell them it doesn’t matter how stupid the ideas are and write them down on the board. Get everyone laughing and involevd. Don’t discuss any ideas, just write them all down.

Then start going through each one and discuss them, move them around, change wording etc.

I bet at the end of it someone will either give you the formula you will use or the group will build one up from general discussion.

It will be fun, they will have ownership in it and they will all get behind pushing it.

Brainstorming really works and get results.

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I have a movie store and a tanning salon in the same strip I am in. I am mentioning them in my ads as prize sponsers and they are giving me some great giveaway stuff.
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