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hi there everybody. has anyone ever used or heard of i just found them on craiglist. they offer financing for pos systems for $99 per month. i cant really find anything about them online. maybe they are a new company. any help would be great. thanks jon
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jonny devanti:
hi there everybody. has anyone ever used or heard of i just found them on craiglist. they offer financing for pos systems for $99 per month. i cant really find anything about them online. maybe they are a new company. any help would be great. thanks jon
Hi Jon,

It’s hard to believe that you’ve never heard of! They are by far the biggest and most popular point of sale system company in the entire world - no, I mean entire universe! Who can resist their $99/month deal? Only idiots and morons would buy anything else!

Please, let me know if I can be of any help to you - my cell phone number is 415-552-8689. Give me a call and I’ll show you the way!
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Hi Jon
From what I can see they get a grand total of 300 visits to the site a month so that would explain why you don’t see much online.

We really need to establish a protocol for a sarcasm font! may I suggest green That way those who are less than daily users will know. :mrgreen:
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Daddio is laying down the law today!!! 8)

RG…I will be calling later to chat it up! 😛