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I'm done, I gave up the ghost, Elvis has left the building


New member
I have not been here for a while. I was busy giving my store one last chance. That chance is over. I have given up and simply gave it back to the chick I bought it from 2 long years ago. She got $25,000 from me and 2 years of my life and as of today I have ZERO to show for it. Other than the ruined credit, maxxed out credit cards, home on the verge of forclosure, and financial ruin.

I think buying a pizzeria beat out “marrying my ex-wife” on the list of “Biggest Mistakes I Have Ever Made In My Life.”

Lessons learned? Many, but mostly that when you see that you got screwed, instead of persevering and trying to make things work out, just walk away after a month, don’t wait for two years.

Also that in my neck of the woods quality means ZERO. It is all price, all the time and the cheapest pizza wins, no matter how it tastes.

Good luck to the rest of you and thanks to the ones who tried to help by offering ideas. I think i tried most of them.

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Re: I’m done, I gave up the ghost, Elvis has left the buildi

Um, gave it back?

Kyle, I’ve been keeping an eye on the threads you’ve been posting over the last few months and noticed you hadn’t been posting your progress.

First off, I really feel for you dude. Truly. I know where your store is, the neighboorhood and how tough the competition is there. I’m in Dearborn. When I was looking for a store to buy a couple years ago, I actually looked at store the you ended up buying. It was the fierce competition in the area that kept me from pulling the trigger. Believe me folks, there is a war in Taylor Michigan going on as to who can sell the cheapest pizza. In my opinion, nobody will ever win that war but LC.

What I don’t understand is you gave it back? Didn’t you consider an asset sale to try to recoup some of your money?

Sorry it didn’t work out for you Kyle, I mean it.

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Re: I’m done, I gave up the ghost, Elvis has left the buildi


Sorry to hear the bad news, but you were pushing sh1t up hill with a toothpick.

Hope everything works out fine for you later down the track.

And for the person who ripped you off I hope all her chickens turn into rabid kangaroos and kick the crap out of her.

Keep the chin up.

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Re: I’m done, I gave up the ghost, Elvis has left the buildi

Sorry to hear that, for my sake, I followed your threads earlier, made some comments and appreciated and learned from the other posts on those threads…
take the loss, don’t lose the lesson and I hope the next two years are as good for you as these last 2 have been bad.
there must be a better opportunity for you in something else.
in a few months, I hope you see this pizza thing as a good thing for you…
stay in touch,
Re: I’m done, I gave up the ghost, Elvis has left the buildi

as i type this goodbye,i shed a tear. for no one am i to wish misfortune upon any other.
to me you are a trooper,a single strength,bent but not broken.
hats off to you.
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Re: I’m done, I gave up the ghost, Elvis has left the buildi

Good weather to you in your future travels, Kyle.

The very smallest consolation I can give you is that your story is here for new folks to read about. Your experiences may be useful to someone else looking to start a business in a powerfully competitive market, or a market driven by low priced product.

You took your chance and didn’t get what you wanted . . . many never take the chance.
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Re: I’m done, I gave up the ghost, Elvis has left the buildi


Better to have taken the chance than wonder if it was a missed opportunity. I think under different circumstances you would have had a better chance. Dust yourself off and move on…Credit and financial ruin is just for a season (or two) you are a fighter and I am sure will get it all figured out.

Best of Luck to Ya!!

So what now???

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Re: I’m done, I gave up the ghost, Elvis has left the buildi


I am new to the forum here. I am sorry to hear that i can only imagine whats it like. Its tough i have like 12 pizza places around me and its toughhhhh
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Re: I’m done, I gave up the ghost, Elvis has left the buildi

I’m on the west side of Michigan, and it’s not any better. I’ve closed down my store and am putting it up for sale…it’s a real tough area.
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Re: I’m done, I gave up the ghost, Elvis has left the buildi
Giuseppes Pizza:
I’m on the west side of Michigan, and it’s not any better. I’ve closed down my store and am putting it up for sale…it’s a real tough area.
Sorry to hear of you closure too Jim.

Best of luck for the future.

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Re: I’m done, I gave up the ghost, Elvis has left the buildi

I’m sorry it didn’t work out for you Jim.

Just remember that everything happens for a reason. You might not understand why right now, but hopefully in the future you’ll look back on this as something that pointed you in the direction you were meant to take. Your life-plan has already been written by the Big Guy. No, not Nick… the other Big Guy. So keep the faith and trust that He has a plan for you.

Good luck.

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Re: I’m done, I gave up the ghost, Elvis has left the buildi
Your life-plan has already been written by the Big Guy. No, not Nick… the other Big Guy.

That’s right. Nick is The BIG Guy.

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Re: I’m done, I gave up the ghost, Elvis has left the buildi

Thanks everyone…There’s others closing down around us too, I know it’s not just us. Now, all I need to do is sell the place. I’ll put it in the paper this weekend.
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Re: I’m done, I gave up the ghost, Elvis has left the buildi

  Sorry to hear about your troubles...  Remember that Milton Hershey failed many times before hitting the mark.  Next time do more market research and open in a location that will appreciate your talents - It sounds like you put great efforts into making great pizza!
Best wishes,

Blue Sky Pizza
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Re: I’m done, I gave up the ghost, Elvis has left the buildi

Sorry to hear the sad news, Kyle, but don’t let it defeat you - I totally screwed the pooch my 1st time out (Pizza place in MN in the late 80s). Was back in business 7 years later and haven’t looked back. My advice now is to remember every mistake made, not to condemn yourself, but to learn their lessons and thus make yourself that much stronger for the next go around. take care, and check your private messages
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Re: I’m done, I gave up the ghost, Elvis has left the buildi

Well, I’m excited to say that there are people interested in the pizza shop. I decided to put it at a price to sell quickly, some money is better then no money. So far, I have 2 good solid leads. I will disconnect the phones in a week, so there’s some inspiration to speed this up.
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