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I'm no longer a dinosour


New member
Ok,well I’m still in the 1930’s I’ve yet to buy a POS but I just built a web site! Just thought I would share it w/ you all if you like to peak at it.
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nice site goomba…

now get that POS and join the 21st century completely.
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Very nice…easy to navigate, gives all the basic info, nice intro on the opener page…good job. If I could only suggest one thing, have some nice product shots done and put them on there so people can see what you are offering…a picture ‘sells’ a thousand ‘wings’…or pizzas 😉
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I think you’re a dinosour with a website ! 😉

Very nice brother. More pictures would be a good idea. The only thing I’d change is that the ‘Specials’ tab on the intro page doesn’t work. As a customer, I can’t stand when stuff like that doesn’t work. Just my two cents.
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Hello TD,I just tried it and it works just fine bro.Maybe it was a glitch when you tried.And yes I definitely some pics.on this site.Thanks for all your input.
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It may have been my laptops Nazi Pop-up blocker causing the trouble. It doesn’t allow anything… even when I turn it off. :lol:
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