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Inexpensive Menu Boards

We’re in the process of doing a slow remodel due to finances. What I am looking for is any creative ways to do menu boards that are nice but no too expensive. They don’t have to light up, I can point track lights at them for that. The people that were in this location before me had left the place plain and white walls. So i have a blank canvas to start with which makes it nice.

So, my question is again, if anyone knows of any companies or has any creative ideas to make a nice professional looking menu board without breaking the bank, that would be greatly appreciated?

Thanks for your time.

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I bought 5 - 16x20 picture frames and attached them across a 6 ft or so piece of plywood using hinges at the top, then mounted that onto a 4x6 x6 board that was screwed into the wall. I then took some digital photos of my products and arranged them with text to create the menu. I copied the images to disk and took them to Staples to blow them up…cost about $ 12 each. Then inserted the menus into the frames, aimed a track light at the new menu boards and they look professional and great. The frames were under $10 each. and boards were about $15 total. If u like email me and i can send u some pics.
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Dr pepper gave me one. Didn’t cost a thing and it looks nice. If I ever get the time I might put it up.

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Got your e-mail with the photos of your menu boards. They look great! I don’t need menu boards, but I’ve always wanted to put some pictures of our food around the restaurant but haven’t gotten around to it. Now I am inspired!


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I would ask Pepsi or Coke, but that’s a whole other post. First, I need them to come in here, then I’ll work on the free stuff.

Thanks GT, it gives me a couple of ideas to use.
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