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Insurance rates


New member
My insurance went up a whopping 36% this year. I just own a very small pizza place in a tiny town and none of their arguments as to why it went up are justified or logical. No claims, and they told me, well, if my place burnt down, it would cost more than it did a year ago to rebuild. I call BS on that…I’m still insured for the same amount and they are not going to pay any more than that no matter how much it costs to rebuild. I think the real reason is that their CEO really has his eyes set on that new yacht…

Anyway, who are you using for business insurance? I need a new carrier!
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West Bend Mutual Insurance company, West Bend WI. My Insurance went done 187.56 every 6 months because I add my wifes car to the policy, figure that one out :!:
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I’ll look them up, but I forgot to mention I was in Washington State. So I’m not holding my breath they will carry businesses way out west. But thanks for the reply 🙂
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Are there no group plans for pizzerias?..When I was an insurance adjuster, I frequently ran into similar businesses that were insured under an umbrella package…Usually via trade organization…
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Any insurance agent that deals with multiple companies can help lower your rates. To get your business they will ask insurance companies to discount your premiums pretty heavily bacuae of your history of no claims.
I did this about a year and a half ago and saved a small fortune. Take the time reach out out to several agents and compare.
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Time to find a new agent. I’ve done this multiple times when my agent said they couldn’t do anything for me. I was very surprised at other carriers who were a hell of a lot cheaper. You have nothing to lose for trying!
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