Someone really should mention the probability of legal problems as Workers Compensation is required by law in most if not all states. I do not remember if it is also a federal law. The guys above and some others will offer to help find ways to reduce your expenses. There are some wonderful resources out there to be sure.
As much as it hurts writing those checks, and seeing no visible benefits . . . I find in my little world view that not only is it illegal, but also insanely foolish in the restaurant game to skip out on Workers Comp coverage. One good slip and fall, one grated hand, or one burn could close your shop forever.
The workers compensation laws provide mandatory insurance coverage for employees. the very real benefit to us, the employers, is that the employees are NOT ALLOWED to sue us for the injury. There will be very slim and specific means of skirting those prohibitions, but that is our payoff. We are free of litigation in return for insuring the workers. It is a liability coverage in some ways, and required by law.
It is a lousy thing when it comes bill-paying time . . . .but those folks make my pies, and mop my floors, and deserve a little protections . . . and we can’t afford a lawsuit in case of injury or work related illness.