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International Pizza Expo in Las Vegas?


New member
Anyone ever go to this show? I’m very interested. I found out about it last year a month before it was held, and I could not find affordable airfare (well over $500 1 way). I want to be prepared this time if I do decide to go.

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Anyone ever go to this show? I’m very interested. I found out about it last year a month before it was held, and I could not find affordable airfare (well over $500 1 way). I want to be prepared this time if I do decide to go.

I’ve gone three times. I’ve only skipped one year and I’ll be skipping this year as well. The first two times were great for me… opened my eyes to some new things and gave me a “recharge” so to speak. I went to most of the marketing seminars while there. Even though I didn’t hear too many new ideas over what you can read here, it was a bit of a motivational tool.

The third year I realized it was all the same stuff as the first two years. Same vendors, same products and same speakers giving the exact same presentations.

If you’ve never been to it, I highly recommend it. After your first couple of times, going every 2 or 3 years should suffice.

If you go, be sure not to miss the La Nova booth 8)
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omg the la nova booth is what its all about, my wife was sooo mad I am not making this up her nip was completly hanging out
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Rockstar pizza:
omg the la nova booth is what its all about, my wife was sooo mad I am not making this up her nip was completly hanging out
LOL were still talking about the pizza expo right??

ive never gone, my boss has twice, as well as our GM, I was a little dissapointed with the lack of info they came back with, although they did say it seemed to be directed towards pizza shops that don’t make everything fresh in house. they said they felt like pre packaged, value added, frozen ingredients were being pushed on them. I also found it odd that the 2 that got to go were two ppl that have never made pizza more than twice 🙂 I want to go to see the differant equipment, im a sucker for tools/gadgets as long as they work well.

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although they did say it seemed to be directed towards pizza shops that don’t make everything fresh in house. they said they felt like pre packaged, value added, frozen ingredients were being pushed on them.
Very, very true. We make just about everything from scratch and chop all of our own produce. When you do that, there isn’t much for people to sell you; we buy commodities.
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Wow, what a great point Piper! I too was hoping to go, since I haven’t been for about 8 years. But now that we make almost everything from scratch, maybe I’ll rethink…
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Awesome thanks for all the information… I’m sure I’ll learn something from it one way or another, but it’s also a reason to get out of here and head on over to VEGAS :lol:
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Heres a list of equipment I have bought and companies I have done business with over the years because of pizza Expo. As you can see, most have no bearing on whether I make my own sausage or not.

Vital Link POS, Prism POS, Message on Hold, the Black Book, Weightronix scale, Randell pizza prep table(via Northern Pizza Equipmment, triple stack Edge Ovens, XLT Oven, MFG dough trays, Moving Targets, Magnetic Express, Mag Pac,, Concklin Insurance Agency. If you go there with an open mind, you will find ideas to make more money or to make your business more efficient. I’ve been there 8 of the 11 years I have owned my shop and plan to be there every year till I’m out of this business.
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My first experience with PizzaExpo was an overwhelming eye-opener. (And I would imagine that PMQ’s shows would be fantastic as well, since we’re here on their message board…) I don’t go every year but maybe more like every 2-3 years. The workshops/seminars are essential to business of all shapes and sizes!! Our last shopping trip brought back some inexpensive induction plates (cooking equipment) that has opened the world of spaghetti and sauces we weren’t able to figure how to include before. There’s always something we learn new or stuff we find that we never imagined. Worth the trip.
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Napoli Pizza:
Wow, what a great point Piper! I too was hoping to go, since I haven’t been for about 8 years. But now that we make almost everything from scratch, maybe I’ll rethink…
Unless you go for equipment or marketing ideas. Eight years is a while, I’m sure there’s a lot of stuff out there that wasn’t at the last show you were at.
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