I checked the week’s cheese market, and it appears to have another week of stabilizing. I’m not celebrating and chopping prices or anything, but it is encouraging to see the continued slowdown of prices n the market. Heck, this could even be good news if it continues next week. I know we gotta wait to see what the later Midwest corn crop does before getting to excited.
Those beef and dairy lobbyists need to get to Washington as lean on those farm subsidies for corn and wheat. Get the farmers GROWING, and reducing enticements to let land lay fallow or tied up in other, less currently crucial crops.
I still don’t think we are seeing a trend toward market correction yet. Too soon and not enough market changes to accommodate the corn crunch. I do believe it will come later this year, though. Maybe early to mid-Fall, if all goes well. (Never been a market analyst in my life . . . just feeling froggy today)