Is goin into the pizza biz crazy!


New member
Just putting this out there to the group to see what you have to say. I sold my restaurant a number of years ago and have been in construction but I hate it and would like to open a shop before I get to old to take a chance on opening a business. However it seems everyone is doom and gloom articals videos podcasts everyone just talks about the struggle no talks about their success. It would actually be nice to hear some brag a little and talk about some wins for once. Or is the industry dead and I’m nuts for even considering this?
I had to move and had an opportunity to get into construction at the time it seemed like the best option.
There is certinly some guys on here that could brag. but they have been doing it their whole lives.

I have owned a place for 5 years. the first 4 years a 50pd bag of flour was $18 and 5 gallon fry oil was $16. the last year a 50pd
bag of flour has been $36 and 5 gallon fry oil has been $46. My 14" cheese was $10 for 4 years for 6 months now it has been $12.

I work about 56 hours a week and make about $1300. Its more money than I have ever made
Having what I would consider a pretty successful business. With the rise in labor, food costs, along with other hurdles that small business owners are facing. I wouldn’t recommend jumping in right now.
Not to say that you can’t make it work, but I think the odds are stacked against any independent restaurant right now.
Thanks for your honest feed back I guess Ill just sit tight and refine my concept and maybe ask the pros some questions if you don’t mind. 😀
I have been in the food industry my whole life, owned a seasonal pizza shop for over 10 years sold it because I didn’t like the seasonal business, became a District manager or a food franchise. While doing that a friend was selling their local pizza shop a year and a half ago and came to me. I bought it and turned it around and have an extremely successful business.

Yes prices of food costs are going up as well as labor, However I feel if you go into it knowing this and have capital to run for a few months. You could make it successful business.

I am a hands-on owner and work about 40 hours a week at the restaurant, have a wonderful crew that I can trust and depend on. And I definitely would say I’m a very successful pizza shop.