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Is Halloween a big night?


New member
Wasn’t open last year for it - do people get pizza 'cause they’re too busy with costumes to cook a dinner?
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We weren’t crazy last year for Halloween… my least favorite holiday btw.

Then again we didn’t do any specials or advertisments for it. We showed a 15% increase over the prior 3 Tuesdays(the day Halloween fell on last year).

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Trick or Treat is typically the busiest night of the year for us, outside of customer appreciation day. Trick or treat for us is the Friday before Halloween.

We’re usually 50% above a good Friday. We don’t except coupons on Trick or Treat.
My staff knows that it is mandatory to work on Halloween. I add drivers for a total of about 15 along with a full pizza and kitchen staff. Anyone looking to be busier should look into your school’s safe halloween. Our school district does one and we send over a ton of pizzas.
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It is typically a bit busier than usual when it is on a midweek night like this year, but when it is on a friday or saturday, it can be busier than the superbowl.
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This is my 4th one. We were not open the 1st two due to normal days of the week we are closed. Last year was our last day open before relocating, so did 300% of our average for that day of the week.

This year we are planning on moderate action, but nothing like last year’s record. We will have gummi pizzas for the kids trick-or-treat, and costume prizes for adults after 8pm. We’ll see how it goes.
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well, Halloween lived up to its expectations… Was 20% busier then a normal friday & We ran out of dough at 8pm…
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busy here in Quartzsite, AZ
I was up today about 80% from my other Wednesdays.
maybe it was the Halloween thing, my least favorite holiday…
did not special advertising for it.
It turned out we did double our average for Wednesdays and set a Wednesday record for sales. We were whupped at the end. We had enough dough, but we were running out of steam with the two of us in the kitchen running frazzled amongst the fryer, the slap/make/oven/cut and the sandwich stove-top.

It was a good time had by many, and the gummi pizzas we gave out to the kids were a hoot again. One female server dressed up as me and everyone knew what she was dressed as . . . she was disappointed and I was amused to no end.
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Wow and whew…

Record sales (any day ever) and record number of orders (any day ever).

Got absolutely killed from 5-7. Too much. We were taking 4-5 orders per minute for a while. :shock:
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