is there a difference in who does emails to my database?


New member
I recently had a company do an email campaign to my database and got close to zero response, and it wasn’t that expensive to do. I was wondering if there would be another company but who would have more expensive but would get better results… or is email your database pretty straightforward and should I just go with whomever is cheaper?
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How big is your email list? What was your open rate and click rate?

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How long ago did people sign up?

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went out to about 1500 emails (customers who didn’t order in over 2 weeks), 325 opened, 0 clicked. email conteined 4dollars off any 25 dollar order coupon code and link to our webpage/online ordering. People probably signed up within last year or two.
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What is most important is that it is done consistently. One mailing doesn’t really tell you anything; it builds with repetition and it builds with consistency.

I used to do it with Mailchimp myself, but it always got knocked off my priority list by the other demands of the business. Mailchimp or Constant Contact can be the cheapest option if you have the time to create a couple emails every week or you can pay a tech-savvy + artistic employee to create & schedule them for you.

Otherwise, spend more to have it done professionally so it gets done would be my advice. Moving Targets offers an email service. I’ve not used that from them specifically, but they are managing my New Mover mailings (and have been for years) and have just taken over my Google Adwords and I’m pleased with both services. It costs me more than doing in house, but I’m seeing better results and as it’s getting done consistently.
is there a trick to not have ur emails go to junk folder? I m getting emails from local pizzeria (they thru constant contact) and it goes to “promotions” folder in my email and my own email (which I received too cause im in my own database) went to “junk” folder lol that’s possibly another reason to go with professional company?