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Is This Going To Be A Slow Weekend?


New member
I’m still in my first year here, I’m assuming this is normally a pretty slow weekend for pizzerias. Am I right? About what kind of a drop is normal?
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We usually have an average Friday, a slow Saturday, and a great Sunday. No work or school Monday makes Sunday like a weekend night!
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we had graduation 2nite and got our butts kicked it was a great feeling its been so long we did a record nite and hope it keeps going on
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😃 Same here too with the graduations…We have 3 high schools & all 3 are graduating either this week or next week, we were slammed tonite too!
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We actually close both stores for the weekend. We have tried to be open a few times and really not that much business. We decided it is one of the perks for working at our place…we let our employees enjoy the weekend with the rest of the world.

Our graduation is next weekend…if it was this weekend yes we would be open.

Call us crazy…I know…but it sure is nice to be off and our employees appreciate it.

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The new stations around here are really hyping the fact that the economy is so bad and that people are not traveling as much this weekend as they have in recent years. We might find out that we are either busier this weekend than we traditionally are for a Memorial weekend – or if everyone is staying home they just might be using the BBQ instead.
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We are not yet open. so my view is purely speculative but I could see how Sunday would be very busy and Monday slow enough to close. I had not given it a lot of thought but after doing so. The 3 day Holiday weekends, I could see how closing on the Monday might be in the big picture the smart move.
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Canada just went through their May long weekend last week. What I experienced was a late Monday rush. People getting back in town and not wanting to cook made for an above average Monday in my shop.
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Yesterday, Sunday, was very slow during the day 11-5. We only had 5 pick-ups and 1 delivery :shock:

We had a late rush after 8 o’clock though that made for a good Sunday.
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typical good Friday
good Saturday – not great
Sunday was better than its been, especially for lunch
monday was big for monday

overall a great weekend . . .
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fri and sat were typical
sun was VERY slow
mon was huge
we also had our city’s big “taste of” this weekend i think thats what hurt us on sunday
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