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j_r0kk go to bed

I’ve also got this new store I’m trying to get off the ground. A lot of numbers to crunch for my buddy “the banker”. So I’m just sitting here with TT opened in one window, spreadsheets opened in another, and a scribble pad on the desk in front of me… with a bowl of cereal of course sitting on top of my scribble pad.
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Some days I think I am too old for this kind of never ending joy of customer service.
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But ya know, if I had a chance to do it all over again, I’d do it the exact same way.
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I once had ‘sleep’, but I lost it somewhere between the birth of my two kids, buying a house, moving, and starting a new business in the span of two years.

… Walmart must have it. They have everything. 😃
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If you find a source of this rare commodity please don’t horde it.
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Before I ahd a pizza shop I used to go to sleep dreaming about work.

Now I own a pizza shop I go to work dreaming about sleep.

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. . . Time to make the pizza . . . . .

. . . . time to make the . . . . I made the pizza . . .

(anyone rember this TV ad campaign?)
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. . . Time to make the pizza . . . . .

. . . . time to make the . . . . I made the pizza . . .

(anyone rember this TV ad campaign?)
lol Dunkin Donuts ! It was a great ad campaign. It was sad when “Fred the Baker” died. People loved him, but I always thought he looked like Hitler.

BTW Did you guys see DD is going to start doing wraps and breakfast pizza ?
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