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Jackalope Pizza


New member
Introducing a new pie to the menu starting monday. Jackalope Pizza… having some fun with that on Facebook, Radio, email etc as you might imagine…

The Jackalope is a specialty sausage made by a regional game specialist that includes rabbit, antelope and pork. Tastes really good. The combo has fresh mushrooms and red onions too. Prices out as a 5-topping pizza.
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Wanting to do some Facebook advertising how is it working out for you and what kind of return are you seeing on it?

Your pie idea sounds great!

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Wanting to do some Facebook advertising how is it working out for you and what kind of return are you seeing on it?
We have been active on FB since March 2010. Over the years we have tended to spend about $300 a month but it is sometimes a bit less and can also be more.

I think it does very well for us in keeping our name out there and positioning us as a part of the community. If you click on the link in my signature you can scroll back and see the kind of stuff that we tend to do.

If we spend $30 on a promoted post and let it run 2 days we will generally get about 3000-4000 views. The number of likes and comment has more to do with the content than it does with just eyeballs. But sometime you nail it. The picture of the snow making crew etc got 6000 views, 150 post likes and 400 engagements. Spend was $30.

Our recent Superbowl post got over 7000 views with 2600 post engagements. We paid $100 for that and let it run a week. The blood drive one we did a couple of weeks ago got 8500 views and a huge number of link clicks, likes and shares etc etc. We go a nice thank you and the organizers let us know that they had the most first time donors ever and exceeded the goal of pints collected by 20%. Many of the people mentioned that they were there because they heard about it from us. That was also a $100 placement but over three days.
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