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Realising it is early days yet January is on fire for us. We closed from Christmas to 5th Jan and have been super busy since the re-opening, up 55% on last year.
The week just finished was a record, with a record Sunday beating most Saturday sales for the 1st qtr in 2011.
No advertising, no special offers outside of those on our menu so it is hard to see why we are flying when it is a traditionally quiter time for us (Summer Holidays).
The only things we can attribute increases to is the recently installed POS where every cents is accounted for unlike manually worked orders and the introduction of online ordering, even though it is still in the early stages. But we have got a lot of new online customers from our high (1 or 2) Google rankings for pizzas, pizza delivery, food delivery and take away food for our area (even out ranking the chains - and we don’t pay for SEO).
Staff have responded great to the extra sales levels and have just put in a bit more without being stressed, except for the hot and unusually humid weather.
And just to add to the fire the weather forecast for the next 8 days has the temperature bewteen 38C - 42C and the overnight minumum no lower than 24*C. Just the thing to be standing in front of the oven.
Just hope the fire keeps burning brightly for some time yet.
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We to our having a good January, usually it is a miserable month for us and kicking myself for not booking a holiday. However we have already taken what we usually do, so we should be up 25% - 30% by the end of the month.

Looking forward to Feb, when all those New Year resolutions are broken and money back in peoples pocket. Good times 🙂
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In the Mid-West we’re having a remarkable January so far, now in all honesty, the first 2 weeks were gangbusters, and last week did taper off considerably, more like what I’d expected all month. We’re punching up some new menu items and trying to entice folks to ignore the stupid Visa card bills one more week! I’d add that we have seen a switch from our steaks and prime rib to a LOT of grilled fish and baked salmon, but you know how it is…I don’t care what they spend their money on, as long as they spend it with me!
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Damn Deacon…now I want some prime rib!!! :x I am on this steak binge lately. Sorry sidetracked! Keep up the good sales for the year guys. Don’t worry about the up and down weeks… remember it is the average of them all. :mrgreen:
d**n Deacon…now I want some prime rib!!! :x I am on this steak binge lately. Sorry sidetracked! Keep up the good sales for the year guys. Don’t worry about the up and down weeks… remember it is the average of them all. :mrgreen:
Sorry Mike but I only want the HIGH averages, none of those slow week ones for me. The big sales bug has bittem me amd I LIKE IT 😛
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Oh No!.. Dave has been “bittem’d” Someone call 911! I forget…is it 911 down under or 999 like in the UK? :roll: I shouldn’t mock the 999 system since it was first used in the UK back in somewhere around 1936-7 or so as the first emergency phone call system. They used the number 9 since they had to make all pay phones be able to dial the “9” and “0” free of charge and since they were next to each other it was cost effective. Go figure…save a dime to save a dime! 😛 Tomorrow folks we will learn about the LED light bulb! :idea: