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Jets pizza dough


Staff member
has anyone had good results trying to make a pizza similar to theirs in a conveyor oven? I would like to offer this as an option but can’t get it down.
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has anyone had good results trying to make a pizza similar to theirs in a conveyor oven? I would like to offer this as an option but can’t get it down.
Never had Jets, but I do a Detroit Style pizza and put a Chicago spin on it in my conveyor and it’s the best! Caramelized cheese on the edge of the crust. It’s on my website homepage slideshow third picture in, if you want to check it out.
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Never had Jets, but I do a Detroit Style pizza and put a Chicago spin on it in my conveyor and it’s the best! Caramelized cheese on the edge of the crust. It’s on my website homepage slideshow third picture in, if you want to check it out.
That looks really good Joe, how much information about your recipe and process would you be willing to share? What conveyor oven are you using and what is the finger set up as well as the time and temperature?
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That looks really good Joe, how much information about your recipe and process would you be willing to share? What conveyor oven are you using and what is the finger set up as well as the time and temperature?
Sent you a PM about it. Let me know how it goes. My dough is very low hydration like Cracker Crust recipes. Not sure what you have or it will make a difference.
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We planed and equipped the first Jets and Have done the same for 98% of their subsequent shops.
They all use conveyor ovens.
George Mills
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has anyone had good results trying to make a pizza similar to theirs in a conveyor oven? I would like to offer this as an option but can’t get it down.
We do have the same product and it cooks perfectly in our conveyor ovens. Time and temp are crucial.
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