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Job Posting/Postion Available


New member
Have any of you had any luck finding employees with any food experience on the job posting section of this site? We are a small, pretty high volume pizza place in the Chicago suburbs looking for a asst. mgr/ mgr but needs to be hands on with experience with a deck oven. Not sure where to look, so I thought I would post some thing here to get the ball rolling.

Thanks for any help you may have for me,

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I typically post a very detailed job posting on Craigslist. While it does give me lots of responses, some absolutely horrible, some of my best hires come from here because of the sheer number of responses. You just have to have solid interview sessions.
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Also, if you have your own website, you could add an employment opportunities section where you post jobs and even accept applications online.
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Craigslist and Backpage. Be very detailed about your required criteria for experience and state that references from former employers are required and will be be checked. That will weed out most of the bozos. Do not list your phone number. “Please apply in person, no phone calls please.” If you want applicants to come in during a certain part of the day, make that clear too.
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I forgot to mention our best help wanted ad placement: Box Top Flier!

Print up a brief help wanted description using a LARGE font and effective headline. Print it large enough so just three of them fit on an 8.5 X 11 page with some space between them. Make 200 copies for about $10. Cut into 1/3s so you now have 600 fliers. Stick on your box tops until gone or position is filled.
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PM me some more details. I am entertaining life changes, and Chicago ain’t such a bad idea 🙂 Really. PM me if interested in a former 8 yr owner. No guarantees, but willing to listen to the details.
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Nick, just come and stop about 125 miles south of Chicago and I’ll put you to work! Hot kitchen, long hours, great food…and little money, but then…you’re used to all that!
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