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jrokk you were right!


New member
I got my post card order today from and they were awesome! They were even better than I was expecting. What a professional job they did. My door hangers are coming tomorrow. I can’t wait to see how good they came out. I highly recommend this company. Their prices are great as well. I got 5000 full color, glossy post cards for $186 which includes the shipping and handling. The door hangers that are coming tomorrow are full color, double-sided, glossy as well and are $364.
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Good to hear man. I wouldn’t recommend it if it weren’t first class stuff. Our boxtoppers are now better quality than the big boys. If image is a key indicator (in the customer’s opinion) on how well you’re doing, we “LOOK” like we’re up there with those guys, if not surpassing them.

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I ordered my postcards the otherday waiting to c what they look like…Cant wait.
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I went to the web site and didn’t really see any sample that looked good. Can you provide a sample of what you them do for you. Thanks.

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Request a free sample pack from them. If you email me your address, I’ll mail you one of my post cards to look at.
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That boxtopper looks nice. Just out of curiosity, and a bit off topic of this thread, but which of those offers seems to work the best for you? We have offers very similar to your first two coupons and they seem to work very well for us. Can you let me know? Thanks!

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They all work well because they cover each demographic profile in my area. The newest offer on this boxtopper is the “Crazy 8’s” special. I did this because of the Papa John’s intrusion. Every time PJ’s goes into a market, they offer a Large one topping for $8.99 to raise customer perception that they’re a value-oriented pizza place, so I initiated that about a month before they opened to help offset the impact they usually make.

I love to upsell Pepsi products and wheatstix or wheatstix w/ cheese so I never have those included in any of my offers. I am going to change it up a little, though. I’ve been getting feedback from customers that we should add a “family value meal” offering pizzas, a side, and a 2-liter so I’m probably going to add that within the next month after PJ’s falls back into their regular marketing routines.

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Their prices seem good for small runs, but quite high for larger runs. Most printers discount fairly dramatically as the quantity goes up. For 50K 8.5"X11" flyers, I would be looking at almost 7 cents each. Should be closer to 4 cents to be in line with printers I have used. Samples look to be good quality.
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I feel the need to recommend another printer. I use a company called They have 2 pricing structures…the first is call sharp dots, and those are for the people that don’t necessarily use graphic design software (adobe suite), etc. and need to see proofs and such. The pricing is in line with

The other is called rapidots, and it is for those who have graphic designers (or are graphic designers) and don’t need proofs, etc. I have a college student in design that does our stuff for us (I’m not artsy at all). Anyway, I just checked and at the rapidots pricing structure I can get 5K postcards, full color, gloss, 1 side, for $98 + shipping. They’re very cheap, but I have enough confidence in our designer that I just submit the artwork online and 3 days later they are printed and shipped. That’s why they can discount more than some places, because once I was set up with their system, I don’t work with anyone, therefore saving them money.

Might work for some, might not, just though I’d throw it out there.
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You are right about the prices for the larger runs. For larger orders, I would recommend I have ordered through them before and they do an amazing job as well. For smaller runs, is hard to beat. I just checked out and their shipping and handling seems to be a little high even with their rapid dots pricing for the 4/1 full color 4x6 post cards. When you add the $97 shipping the price is $225 for 5000 which is $40 more than gotprint. It’s still a real good price compared to most of the other companies. Some prices of a lot of companies are outrageous. I had my local printer get me a quote on 6x4 post cards with full color front and 1 color backside. They quoted me $701 for only 3000! Needless to say they haven’t done any printing for me in a while. I’m always one for supporting the local businesses in my area but not to the tune of $500 more. I still use their bulk mailing services though. I tried going with some out of state companies that were cheaper but it 2 weeks or more sometimes for the mailings to hit mailboxes which made it impossible to know when to schedule extra employees. My local printing company can almost guarantee when the mailings will hit since they have a good relationship with the local post office. When I say I need them to hit on a Thursday, 95% of the time they do. This also helps me get better response rates. Have any of you guys had any success with out of state direct mailing companies?
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I went and got my own permit and it costs me 17.7 cents to mail myself so im going to get my adresses from mellissa data and my own labels print them out and have my kids sticker away. Glad there stickers my kids loooooove to play w/ stickers…
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I went and got my own permit and it costs me 17.7 cents to mail myself so im going to get my adresses from mellissa data and my own labels print them out and have my kids sticker away. Glad there stickers my kids loooooove to play w/ stickers…
I am paying close to that for “saturation” mailing, which is every address in a postal route. I would pay more for address label mailings. I may be reading the rate tables wrong, though.
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No for some reason they r very cheap here thats what the postmaster told me. At the same token I can go from 4 x6 to 6 x 11 for the same price, Im happy as hell… :lol:
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Got our 5K tri-fold menus today from GotPrint. Gotta say . . . “Dayum”!

They are pretty smokin’ for what we got. Colors are crisp, the process was quite simple to go through, and the folding is pretty consistent (not a lot of off line folds. For a run of 5K to 10K, if the price is competitive enough . . . DO IT! We paid total of 8.5 cents per each including shipping. Just the print run was 6.4 cents each.

I cannot wait to see the 5000 postcard run we ordered as well. Supposed to be here tomorrow. We may just be in the “big time” here in Mayberry. No one else has ANY color on any materials here.

They don’t have the support network we do here on the 'Tank!
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That’s awesome to hear. Do me a favor and send me a copy of your menu. Check your PM for addy. Thanks Nick.

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That’s awesome to hear. Do me a favor and send me a copy of your menu. Check your PM for addy. Thanks Nick.
Like I don’t already have one addressed to you and to Dingbat Dave . . . Darn . . . Dingo Dave (I always get that wrong).

It’ll take longer to get to Australian what with having to use rowboats and aborigine runners through parts of the route, but it should get there eventually. :lol:
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