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juice dough?


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i’m looking for a pizza dough recipe that has at least 50% pure juice instead of plain water. can anyone help? thanks,
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I’d imagine you would need to substitute the same quantity of liquid (hydration factory of flour) as H2O (not beer tho) and get the results you seek, but again, I’d ask why? Dessert pizza?

The cost increase is immense, IMHBAO

Reckon apple, white grape or pear juice might be interesting…
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Wouldn’t the sugar contents make it burn much faster? This idea sounds absurd to me.
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i have a kosher pizza store. the “why” has to do with jewish rituals involved with eating bread (our traditional pizza is considered bread) versus those of eating a pastry (a slice of pizza made with juice would be considered a pastry).

i know it is significantly more expensive. it is a special request for one customer presumable willing to pay the price. it would be a small run each time.

i would have a tendency to use my normal recipe, proportioned downward, but i do have concerns with the sugar question that was raised.
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Very interesting. Does it have to be all juice? Just a WAG, but let it ferment a long time to get rid of the sugar. And try a juice with no color and as little taste as possible. White grape or apple perhaps.
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You’re all spot on with your comments/concerns. Back in the mid to late 60’s there was some interest in making certain types of yeast leavened bakery products with high levels of fruit juice. Don’t go the grape juice route as it contains tartaric acid, a pretty good mold inhibitor, and since yeast is a member of the mold family, it will inhibit it also. This concept was commercialized back in the late 70’s as a raisin juice concentrate. Stay away from pineapple juice too, as it contains enzymes (papain) that have the ability to liquify a dough (this is why it makes a good meat tenderizer). Don’t go with cranberry either, the high acid content will raise havoc with the dough/yeast. Your beas option as mentioned, might be to go with apple juice. If you can replace 50% of the dough water with apple juice you should have a chance at making it work, you’re on your own in the flavor department though.
Now, for the reality of it. Lets see, 30-minutes to scale the ingredients and mix the dough, because we’re talking about a very small size dough here (right???) we will add in another 30-minutes total handling time (scaling, balling, boxing, managing the dough, shaping, dressing, etc.) add in the ingredient cost, and how much is it that you are planning to make those pizzas for?
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Instead of juice could you use wine and still be kosher? I have made some very good pizzas using a red wine dough I toyed with for a bit. That might be easier to adapt than fruit juice.
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Good point, with using wine. I would think that a white wine would mininize any color impact upon the dough/finished crust (remember, we would be replacing at least 50% of our water with the wine). Use of a cooking wine could help to control cost. Because cooking wine has been salted, this would mean that you could probably delete any salt from the dough formula as the wine would provide the salt. You might even play with a mix of both apple juice and wine. Houston, we may be on to something!
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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only more juice than water. following the normal 3:1 ratio on frozen concentrate is considered water so doesn’t work but 1:1 is juice
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as long as the wine is kosher, wine would have the same status as juice
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Here’s a dough formula that you might start with.
Flour 100% (10-pounds)
Salt 1.75% (2.75-ounces) Delete salt if 100% cooking wine is used to replace the water.
Oil 2% (3.25-ounces) Salad oil might give a better flavor than oilove oil in this application.
IDY 1% (1.5-ounce) If you can’t use IDY, use fresh yeast at 3% of the flour weight (4.75-ounces).
Mix and manage the dough in the normal manner.
Bake the pizza in the normal manner.
I’ve bumped the yeast level up quite a bit for both flavor and to ensure a good rise to the dough during baking. If you get too much rise, cut the yeast level in half.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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Oops, old age beginning to get the better part of me. I forgot to add the liquid/absorption amount to the dough formula.
Water 56% (89.5-ounces) Replace with any of the following:
All apple juice
All Kosher cooking wine
Part apple juice and part wine
Sorry about that.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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I did a little research on the amount of sugars in unsweetened botted or canned apple juice and discovered that around 9.64% of it represents sugars, of which fructose, a simple sugar, represents about 65%. Since the fructose is already a simple sugar and is immediately available as food for the yeast, will that affect the levels of residual sugar in the finished dough in a way as to suggest a lower amount of yeast, especially if all of the water is replaced by apple juice? Or possibly a shorter fermentation period? At, 89.5 oz. apple juice, 9.64% translates into about 5.4% sugar based on flour weight.

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No, actually, the higher sugar level will have a subduing affect on the yeast, this is why my formula suggests the use of a higher than normal yeast level to help counter this affect.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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That’s a good point. What I was thinking is that because fructose is already a simple sugar, it will be metabolized faster by the yeast than if the sugar were sucrose (e.g., ordinary table sugar), which would take some time to be converted to simple sugars to feed the yeast. And using more yeast would act to consume the fructose even faster, and possibly leave too little residual sugar at the time of baking to achieve the proper crust coloration, notwithtanding the osmotic effects of using too much sugar.

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