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July was great but what now with another mini GFC ??


New member
Like Steve’s recent post saying that his July was best for years and others chiming in with the same I was wondering how things have gone since the latest mini GFC?
We had our best July ever and every week setting new sales records, up around $2k per week over last year (which were pretty good weeks anyway).
Luckily for us the trend has continued with last week being our 2nd biggest ever.
I must admit to having shudders from the latest mini GFC and fearing all the gains we have made going back down again, but luckily we are still going strong with this week so far $400 up on last week after 3 days trade.
Dominos yesterday released strong profit growths and stated that people are now turning more to take away / cheap dining instead of going to restaurants. The upper end restaurants (most of us couldn’t afford these) are going strong but the middle level are struggling, so maybe they are correct with their assumptions.
Are you guys experiencing the same in USA and Canada?
Do you see sales increasing, levelling off or decreasing?

Just wondering if consumers are now conditioned to the voiatile monetary markets and cutbacks and are now just getting on with life and the strong sales are reflected by this?

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Dave talking as a consumer…I think the US general population is adjusting a bit. This is just an outside POV but it seems to not shock people as much. The real sad situation is the shear number of people that when asked about debt, the gfc, etc… answer with a question “HUH?” That scares me more than anything when they have zero clue to how the world works or doesnt work! The world needs help and soon! Lets just hope that sales level and keep growing as the world economies adjust. :!:
August is typically not quite as big a month as July. This year will not be an exception but now that we are halfway through, I am expecting a larger % increase than July. Sales will be 10-15% less in dollars than July but the % increase will be bigger.

We are dropping a 10,000 piece mailer on Monday that I expect to drive sales through the next several weeks.
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Sales still continuing up with last week our biggest ever and the week before now our 3rd biggest and the first week in August now our second biggest. As the song goes “don’t know how, don’t know why” but I will gladly take the extra $2k+ per week we are selling.
Nice to not hear the toot, toot of the train that has been the recurring light at the end of the tunnel for the past 2 years.

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I’m knocking on wood here to the point I have a nasty bruise in the middle of my forehead but yeah, we didn’t see the expected summer slow-down that we had last year. (this is our 2nd year) We had a two weekend book-ending a week that was in the area of 30% down, but thankfully that feels like it’s passed and we’re maybe in the midst of turning that long hard corner finally.

It it matters, we’re in a town of 3500 and operate as a “Family Pub” where pizza is only 12% of our total food sales. Much to my chagrin! I’m working on building those sales up this FALL/Winter b/c I really expect to see it in the 25% area.
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