Just ordered Chinese food... please help me compare with our menues


New member
So food was 77 dollars and it was probably enough to feed 6 ppl tops of kinda low quality (not much protein) food.
Chicken fingers were mostly little peace of chicken covered with tons of breading, shrimp in pasta was size of dimes at most… at my store chicken fingers are 90% meat and more of it and cheaper. Shrimp pasta at my store are much bigger and overall my pizza shops food so much better comparing to Chinese food… I would estimate my food order at Chinese place had 20% food cost max. While at my store closer to 33% and my food not just fried like most at Chinese take out. Please explain me what don’t I get… why would ppl prefer their food over mine… I would serve more food, better food and probably cheaper bill too…
You serve DIFFERENT food. Without getting into flavor (and owners are very partial to their own recipes), no one wants to eat the same food every single day. And estimating food costs is not an accurate measure, are their shrimp raw? Do they devein in store? Do they batter their own chicken? But comparing which is better, Pizza or Chinese? I like both…
I was just thinking yesterday, How a high quality Chinese
DELCO would just KILL in my area. Plenty of decent Chinese places for sure, But not a single one that can get a consistently good “General Tso” to you in 25 minutes.

My food cost is 33% too. I only use the best of everything.