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Just signed a contract with Mailshark.


New member
I just signed the contract with Mailshark, sure hope I made the right decision. I’m starting with the scratch off postcard to see if I can get an instant boost in sales. Crossing my fingers.
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I started mine 5 weeks ago. Its hard for me to say how much impact i got from them because I also did a groupon like deal in February. I started with 500 a week and am averaging around 3% redemption of coupons (these were on menus). I definitely think we received orders from these without using coupons though too. I have seen a steady increase in business since i took over in December due to better quality and marketing. The past 5 weeks I averaged $5280/week. The 5 weeks before that i averaged $4563/week but part of that was from redemption of the grouponlike deal. In comparison when I took over in December sales were between 3500-4000/wk. So far I am pleased with the results.
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I would be interested in mail shark if if wasn’t so expensive or lengthly

Has anyone had amazing results from mail shark
I so used to doing my mailers wiyu my current place I’m kinda getting bored with them

If mail shark was cheaper like .25 cents per house for a 6x11 post card I would go for it
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A little off subject here, but who do you use for printing. I am in WA like you and have yet to find a “west coast” printer with what I consider to be fair prices.
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Shoot me a PM. I have been using these guys for years so I have better pricing than most would get.

I think there going rate for new clients is 27-28 cents a home. But there is no setup fee or are work fees

They are a great company. I pick my own carrier routes and drop dates. That price is based on 10k mailers
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