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Just wanted to run my dough formula by all of you


New member
Okay I am really not seeing any problem with my dough but i am open to any improvements anyone has. Here is my formula

1)27.5 # Cold water (in summer) luke warm (in winter)
2)1.5 oz cake yeast
mix for 2 minutes
3)50 # flour
4)10 oz salt
5)20 oz sugar
6)24 oz vegetable oil

ingredients are added in that order

I then mix for 11 Minutes on speed 1

I have been in business for 10 years and think I am doing fine. If you could please politely give me any feedback
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I am in pa to me outside temperature affects water temperature (ground temp) I really don’t see a difference in my dough by using different temps in water season to season if im wrong could you please tell me why. I am trying to improve my formula as much as possible. Thanks
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How long do you wait before adding the oil? I have been told you should allow the flour to hydrate before adding oil.
Tom Lehmann Recipe Bank:
Standard Dough Making Procedure: Put water into the mixing bowl, add the salt and sugar, then add the flour and the yeast. Mix at low speed for about 2 minutes, then mix at medium speed until all of the flour has been picked up into the dough. Now add the oil and mix in for 2 minutes at low speed, then mix the dough at medium speed until it develops a smooth, satiny appearance (generally about 8 to 10 minutes using a planetary mixer).
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I might offer a couple of suggestions.
  1. Rather than working with warm and cold water, target a specific finished dough temperature. Most often we find that something around 80F works well for most stores. This finished dough temperature should be used throughout the entire year and will result in greater/improved dough consistency.
  2. The salt level calculates out at only 1.25% of the total flour weight. This is a bit low for optimum flavor in the finished crust. A suggested salt level would be 1.75% (14-ounces).
  3. You don’t provide any details on your dough management procedure so it is hard to make any further comments, but as I have said so many times over the years, “effective dough management is the key to making good pizzas”. If you could share your dough management procedure with us we might be able to provide some additional input.
    Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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If you have a formula and a process that works for you stick with it. The finished temp of the dough coming out of the mixer has a lot to do with the product you end up with after proofing and how long the dough remains usable. As a general thing, most operators want longer shelf life and part of the equation is as lower finished temp.

I don’t see any reason why you would want to have a different finished temp at different times of the year. We generally are shooting for the lowest temp we can get. In the winter the tap water is a bit cooler than in summer so that is easier to do. I know some operators cool the water in the walkin before using it. I do not hear often of anyone that is using water that is warmer on purpose assuming they are looking at a “normal” proofing process where they cross stack and cool the new dough.
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I don’t see any reason why you would want to have a different finished temp at different times of the year. We generally are shooting for the lowest temp we can get.
For me using warmer water in the winter isn’t about changing my finished temperature, it’s about keeping a consistent finished temperature. In the summertime the ambient temperature of my store in the morning is well over 70 degrees. In the wintertime it is commonly under 50 degrees. The temperature difference affects the temperature of the flour which is over 60% of my dough recipe. If I don’t use warmer water, my finished dough temperature is well below what it would be in the summer and my dough won’t proof well.
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Okay Dough Management

I take the dough from the bowl. Ball and roll in flour. I then place each dough ball into a baggie and place on full sheet pans and take to the walk in. I place each sheet tray every other rack to help cool quicker. Once completely cool I eliminate the spaces on the dough rack. I date each tray with an expiration of 5 days out. So if I make dough on the 1st it would be tossed at the end of the 5th.
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