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Just when you thought it was safe...Tom drops in


New member
Hi guys…long time, no post. Some of you may remember me (that bald guy who was editor). Hope everyone has been doing OK. I just wanted to drop in and say hello and wish everyone a Happy Holidays.

In case you were wondering where I went, well, I am now the publisher of PMQ’s Pizza Australia. I just put out my first issue as publisher and about to upload another this week. Things are going good, but busy, which is one of the reasons I haven’t poked my head in here in a while. Now that we are starting to get leveled out i’ll try to drop in more often. Until then, if anyone would like to chat, I can now be reached at [email protected]

If there is ever anything i can do, feel free to shoot me an email.
Tom Boyles
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Cue the music from Jaws… dummm dum, duuummmmmmmm dummm

Thanks Tom ! Happy Holidays to you as well.

Congrats on the publisher position. PMQ’s Pizza Australia ? ____________________ ! <—insert overused, stereotypical Australian saying here.

Good luck and continued success.
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