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keeping mushrooms fresh


New member
hey guys
anybody have a trick to keeping their mushroom stock looking good??
i can’t stand when you get to the bottom box and it has turned wet and moldy,mushy…whatever…
we try filling cambro tubs but it doesn’t help much…
Any ideas would help,
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Purchase less mushrooms?

But if thats not an option, do you slice them yourselves? Or buy them pre-sliced?

I buy ours pre-sliced and they last about 5-7 days and still looking good/dry. They come in a well ventilated cardboard box with blue wax like paper on top that helps with the freshness.
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Mushrooms have to breathe. Be sure to keep them in a well ventilated and dry area of your fridge. Be sure not to cover them with plastic wrap.
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when we recieve our schrooms (pre sliced) we remove them from the boxs and transfer them into plastic buckets with lids… we also cut 2 X’s in the lids for them to breath. They keep like 3x’s longer this way. At least for us.
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We slice ouselves. Found that if we put three or four layers of paper towel on bottom of container and layer 2" mushrooms then more p towel then mushrooms etc they stay DRY. Clive.
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