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land lords

has anyone tried to ask your land lord for a lease modification ie lower your rent for a couple months or so…if so how did you handle it?
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When I first opened I ask for a break. I told them I would catch up as soon as possible. They were very understanding and I was caught up in about 4 months.
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I just did this when I paid this months rent. I told him that business had slowed considerably over the past 6 months and that any increase would be a hardship on my family as well as the business. I asked him if he would consider not increasing our rent for the next 6 months. I have yet to hear a response. I’m will be calling him on Monday and asking him if he recieved my letter. Hope it works in our favor.
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I have been re-negotiating leases for clients for years and I’ve been trying to shout from the rooftops to operators everywhere, now is the time to take a second look at your lease and give your landlord a call. Renegotiating your lease is the single biggest thing you can do to, not only survive, but thrive during this recalibration. Don’t be afraid to take control of your business.
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