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Lease Counter Offer - Anything I should include or missed?


New member
Thanks to everyone that helped me get this together and suggestions of what to include in a counter offer. Here is what I am getting ready to send back. If I missed anything please let me know.
  1. Move handicap parking spaces 3 stall towards the West (towards college) away from front of my space
  2. No compete clause so we are the only pizza place
  3. Do not install a drop ceiling, leave open with flat black paint similiar to Starbucks
  4. Rent abatement until we receive certificate of occupancy
  5. $35 sqft for permanant Tenant Improvements inside space
  6. One parking stall in front of store with signage stating 15 minute parking for take out only
  7. 5 year lease with 5 3-year entension options
  8. Authorization for installation of remote compressor on roof for walk-in cooler
  9. Clause stating if we are unable to receive permits for our restaurant the lease agreement will be voided
  10. Hardwired smoke & CO2 detectors in space
  11. Install electrical drops for lighting in leu of the standard 2x4 recessed lighting
  12. $25 sqft plus triple net *(they are asking $28 sqft plus triple net)
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Re: Lease Counter Offer - Anything I should include or misse

how does the tenent improvements work
do they do the work and pay the contractors or just subtract from the rent?
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Re: Lease Counter Offer - Anything I should include or misse

Good question, I will make an assumption and assume they would deduct from the rent since this would be no money of of their pocket versus actually paying a contractor.

Maybe someone else can chime in on this to clarify.
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