Well…yes, you might say there is. We have found that the simple addition of bacterial septic tank activator and drain cleaner goes a long ways towards keeping the grease trap open and free flowing. You can buy the bacterial activator/cleaner at any hardware store, we get ours ar Ace Hardware, it sells for about $9.00 a bottle that will last you several months. Put a couple tablespoons full into a quart of just barely warm water and stir well, let stand for about 60 minutes, then pour into the drain closest to the trap. Do this twice a week, with one application being on Saturday night (assuming you won’t open until later on Sunday), otherwise, add it twice a week. Just be sure to add it as you leave the store so you don’t flush it through the trap by running more water after it.
The one benefit that we realized is that it isn’t nearly as shall we say “odiferous” when you open it for regular cleaning.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor