Limitations on giving time off?


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We usually try and give everyone the time off they want but I have a couple who are requesting about 30% days off that they would normally be scheduled. They are unpaid days off but they can stretch us thin sometimes. I was considering implementing a policy allowing x amount of days requested off a year. Not sure if that’s super unreasonable or not, thoughts?
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We usually try and give everyone the time off they want but I have a couple who are requesting about 30% days off that they would normally be scheduled. They are unpaid days off but they can stretch us thin sometimes. I was considering implementing a policy allowing x amount of days requested off a year. Not sure if that’s super unreasonable or not, thoughts?
We have the same problems, we went to a free scheduling app called When I Work for requests, shift swaps, view your schedule, etc etc etc. We’ve definitely limited their requests by the system not allowing them to request off if it’s after X amount of days ahead (we use 12)

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Our policy was that once the schedule is posted it is the emplyees problem to get the shift covered if they want off. We generally had the current week plus two up on the board.

Before it was posted we would try to accommodate any requests. Basically that meant they needed to make requests three weeks in advance. They could do so by writing it on the schedule.

On the other hand, the employees who helped out and covered shifts when we were short were the ones that got choice of shifts and who we would give hours to when things got slower in the off-season.
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We usually try and give everyone the time off they want but I have a couple who are requesting about 30% days off that they would normally be scheduled. They are unpaid days off but they can stretch us thin sometimes. I was considering implementing a policy allowing x amount of days requested off a year. Not sure if that’s super unreasonable or not, thoughts?
Unfortunately , this is an industry problem when you hire kids or millennials who don’t need money. Any requests off need 2 weeks notice from me and They are responsible to find someone to cover if it’s shorter notice.

I try to accommodate as much as possible , but I do have to give them the “ you came to me for a job speech”.
This is one of the things I can’t wait to not have to deal with after I exit the business.

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We bend over backwards to get people the time off that they want. Its a job perk. We use the Jolt scheduling app for time off request for a year now, and it has worked wonders keeping it all straight. You can set it up to where only a limited amount of people can ask for the same day off.
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We basically give everybody the time off they need as long as they request it in advance. If I notice somebody requesting a bunch of days off, I’ll ask them what the deal is. If they’re going on vacation, then we will probably tough it out and I’ll work some extra hours. If they just don’t want to work on a certain day, I’ll get somebody that does and hire somebody if needed.
We bend over backwards to get people the time off that they want. Its a job perk. We use the Jolt scheduling app for time off request for a year now, and it has worked wonders keeping it all straight. You can set it up to where only a limited amount of people can ask for the same day off.
Do you use the tasks and checklist features? I currently use When I Work which has similiar scheduling features, but I’ve been thinking about switching to Jolt for the checklists. With my staff, physical checklists tend to work well initially, and then get forgotten about. I’ve been looking for alternatives so I don’t have to constantly nag.
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We basically give everybody the time off they need as long as they request it in advance. If I notice somebody requesting a bunch of days off, I’ll ask them what the deal is. If they’re going on vacation, then we will probably tough it out and I’ll work some extra hours. If they just don’t want to work on a certain day, I’ll get somebody that does and hire somebody if needed.

Do you use the tasks and checklist features? I currently use When I Work which has similiar scheduling features, but I’ve been thinking about switching to Jolt for the checklists. With my staff, physical checklists tend to work well initially, and then get forgotten about. I’ve been looking for alternatives so I don’t have to constantly nag.
We do use both plus the label printing features. There is some checking things off when the task isn’t really done But overall I find it very useful.

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Our policy was that once the schedule is posted it is the emplyees problem to get the shift covered if they want off. We generally had the current week plus two up on the board.

Before it was posted we would try to accommodate any requests. Basically that meant they needed to make requests three weeks in advance. They could do so by writing it on the schedule.

On the other hand, the employees who helped out and covered shifts when we were short were the ones that got choice of shifts and who we would give hours to when things got slower in the off-season.
If you had two schedules on the board, do you have issues when those scheduled employees get fired or stop showing up?
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Our schedule is the same every week. We’ll add people on to particularly busy days and ask people if they want off for days that we know will be slow. I’ve asked our managers and employees if they would rather have a schedule that changes every week or every other week and the consensus is that everyone really appreciates knowing that their schedule is the same every week. I think this helps us have less call outs and gives them more time to find coverage for their shifts. People are good at switching days with other employees if they need off.

We pretty much give people off whenever they want if they give us enough notice. Like pizzapirate said, it’s a job perk, it keeps turnover low and cuts down on the headache of finding new employees all the time. Maybe ask your employee if they want to work less hours? I always ask what their ideal schedule would be and try to accommodate it; but if they don’t want to work when you need them to then they can’t necessarily make up the hours on a different day, it has to work both ways.
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If you had two schedules on the board, do you have issues when those scheduled employees get fired or stop showing up?
We usually had three schedules on the board. (this week plus the next two). I don’t get why that would create any additional issue if someone were fired or quit.

Firing was pretty rare. I doubt that we fired 10 people in 20 years.
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