Lincoln Impinger fastbake finger placements


New member
Greetings to you All!

Please can someone advise on Which is the best formation to put the finger placement in please.
Our Nine inch pizza is 180 grams and 12inch is 265 grams.
Your help will be much appreciated.
I tried looking online but couldn’t find any images to show correct order.

Many Thanks in advance

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The way I have my oven set is full open on the bottom. The top is open, closed, closed, open.
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Daddio’s Answer is the best. You may want to alter the upper fingers to suit your product but probably not.
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What size pizzas and especially what kind of pizzas are you making? This second question is a very important one. Next, do you want to press a flat crust or one with a pronounced raised edge? What is your dough absorption? Dough that will be pressed has to be soft and extensible, if this does not sound like your dough you will most likely need to modify it so it can be pressed, the modifications usually necessary include addition of oil to the formulation, adjustment of the dough absorption (usually higher), possibly changing to a lower protein content flour and lastly, the inclusion of a dough reducing agent in the dough formulation, these typically include products such as L-cysteine (PZ-44), dead yeast, and in some cases deodorized vegetable powder (onion and garlic). As you can see, opening a dough ball into a skin by pressing it isn’t just a matter of pressing it out, there’s a bit more to it than that. Some time ago I wrote an article covering the “ins and outs” of each of the different forming methods.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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