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Lincoln vs. Middleby conveyor?

We have owned two MM widebelts (gas) for going 16 years and used to have 3 Lincoln impingers (electric) for 10 years at another location. I can say that we have had an easier time finding parts for the MM ovens when we need them, but both sets of ovens were reliable for us.
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Middleby and Lincoln both build excelent ovens. Pick the best size for your operation and buy which ever you can get the best price on.

George Mills
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We have noticed lately that Lincoln parts aren’t as readily available (since Lincoln joined Manitowoc). That said, they’re both excellent choices, like George Mills said. You shouldn’t see any significant difference in usability or product quality. It’s like picking between a Ford and a Chevy-- you’ll find fans in both camps, but you can’t pick wrong. Going new vs. used/remanufactured would be the bigger choice!
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used to have a double stack of lincoln 1000’s , spent a lot on repair bills over 18 years, now have a doublestack mm 540 , last 10 years with NO REPAIRS, like the middleby’s much better,
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