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Liquor License in OH

errr maaa gawd it so cheap! Chicago charges over $4,400 for their licence! that’s on of the main reasons i don’t get one…
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Ohio liquor laws are weird. It’s not really easy to find the info you need. Basically, it’s broken down by the number of licences available per township, based on population. Our township is sparse so there is only one dine in licence for the township. It’s owned by the golf course. Which makes sense. The problem is, they are closed for half the year and only sell to a captive audience. I wish there could be an exception made. Either way, we’re getting close to having the population being enough to have a 2nd licence available. So hopefully it works out.

Here is a better website to check on things -
To check if there is a permit available in your township, hover over Resources and at the bottom right, there is Availability/Quota of Permits. You can search by your county, then by township to see if there are permits available. If not, you can do some searching on there for permit holders. Maybe one is about to go out of business and you can buy theirs. (I don’t think you can technically buy theirs, but you could buy an asset from them and have part of the deal be that they will transfer the licence to you.)

We’re better than some states, but far more restrictive than others.
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