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Little League


New member
The search function on PMQ seems to ignore the article links and only searches the think tank. I’m looking for a couple of articles that had info about working with the local little leagues. Specifically, I remember something about a guy who gave out cards that the coaches could give to to the players of the game or something like that. Anyone remember what month that article was in?

Please post any promotions that you have done with your local little league that has done well for you. Any print ads that you would be willing to email me, please do so! My email address is on my profile. Thanks.

-Scott Hack
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I know the article, I just reread it a couple weeks ago, but I can’t find it. He gave out a “Coach’s Card”, a special discount card just for coaches. I don’t remember what offer he gave though. I think that’s the same guy who records the games and has the kids over afterwards to watch the video.

I sponser a little league team, best $200 I spend every year. Almost all of the teams end up at my place for their parties. We have seating for 40, but very little dine-in, so the kids can come in and run amuck an the parents don’t have to worry about them. We also have a few arcade games in the dining room so there’s something for them to do.

This year, prompted by that article, I’m distributing Coach’s Cards. I’m offering up to 5 free 2-Liters plus 10% off the order when they have their parties at our place.

We have a magazine here that covers the whole area, it’s called the Sports Extra. They write stories about all different sports and ages, etc. We’re running an ad in that for the first time this month, offering the Coach’s Card.
We sponsor a team each year, but the biggest promotion for us is that we service the little league concession stands with our pizza, this being our 2nd year in doing so. With that connection, everybody pretty much knows us and so almost be default, we pick up most of the season ending parties that the individual teams run. If you havent done it, I highly recommend it, by selling at the concession stands, we gain exposure from people that may have never thought to buy from us before.