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Lloyds Disk


New member
Considering changing out my screens for disks. Pros or cons? Any experience with them. Want to get some feed back before we spend the cash. It will cost us about $5000.00 to make the switch. I’m just sick of replacing screens and seasoning screens.
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I think you nailed the the 2 biggest pros and cons in your post. If you replace 5 screens per week it might take 5 years to spend five thousand dollars. It’d be nice to replace those gunky screens but few can afford it. Maybe Lloyd should offer financing.

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$5000? How many screens do you need? My store does over $20,000 per week and at retail cost my lloyd quick discs cost less than half that. I have 20 12", 60 16", and 20 18". Plus, they run sales that at times discount the screens by as much as 40% or better. I would call them and ask if they have a sale planned for the near future. I haven’t needed to replace a single one in the 2 years I have been using them. Plus, I have not had to throw out a single pizza that stuck to the screen which was an occasional problem when I was using regular screens.
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I know Paul has a BIG operation & uses a massive amount of screens on game day, for instance…

We bought a fair amount of disks and have added to our stash, as time & $$$ permitted…

We still use the old screens on our big days, or big catering orders…

But we luv the disks…
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The Hex Disks are essentially a “drop in” replacement for the wire mesh screens it sounds like you are presently using. This means that you can mix them right in with your seasoned mesh screens and get the same baking characteristics, allowing you to replace your existing inventory of screens over a period of time. Maybe each year, pull the worst of your mesh screens and replace them with the Hex Disks. The Hex Disks are great in that they don’t need seasoning, are much more durable than mesh screens, and best of all, nothing ever sticks to them, cleaning is a snap as all you need to do is to wipe them with a clean towel.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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We LOVE our “cloud” discs. I don’t have a huge pizza operation, it accounts for around 12-15% of our total food sales right now. We also don’t open a dough till it’s ordered so I’m not like some that open a ball, put the skin on a disc and store it for use, so consequently we get by fine with about a dozen of 12" and 14". I’d be happy to see the day when that investment has to increase!

As a side-bar. I had the good fortune of spending a week with Rob from Lloyd’s while at Tom’s AIB “Pizza Camp” as I called it. He is a class act and I think that shows in the product his family is putting out there as well.
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