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Locations what to look for?


New member
Hey everyone

So this weekend I will be looking at some locations for opening my first pizza shop. I’ve done some demographic searches around where I’ve been looking and I think it looks good. There’s about 20,000 people in a 1 mile radius of the location I’m looking at. The average income per household is over 100,000 and it’s mostly young families. Also I live around here so im pretty familiar with the area.

I’ve owned restaurants before but never a pizzeria. My concept is basically a high quality Del/co. I know this is much different than a full service restaurant. I wanted to know what markers do you look for when trying to gauge if a location is a good one?
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Central to delivery area as measured by driving time.

Good visibility on high traffic road has considerable marketing value.

Easy access to all directions of travel such as a stop light controlled intersection. You do not want your drivers clogging up the access to your location waiting to turn left onto a busy road.

Good neighbors! Respectable businesses, preferably that have been there for a while and provide traffic but do not interfere with your business. (For example, we have a Walgreens and a Postnet in our center as well as several other local businesses that bring people through but since our busy time is after they close, we benefit from the exposure to their customers but we do not conflict with each other for parking.

Correct mechanical services existing in the location or a LANDLORD that is willing to pay for them to be installed either with cash or with rent concessions.

Lots of storage… both dry (cans, boxes etc) and cold… large walkin and enough room for freezers.

Building in good repair.
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