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Locked thread


New member

Can you not delete the ‘offending/off topic’ posts rather than locking the whole thing and leaving the off topic comments.

It seems a shame as it is an interesting topic which will now need to start a new thread.

Seems a shame (although its great to see some swift moderation).

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I have cleaned up the thread and unlocked it. I will be more sensitive to this in the future. Delivery issues will be moved to the delivery forum.
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Wow, posts deleted?

Why not simply move/merge posts you deemed OT to another thread instead of deleting them?

I guess I’ll take some credit for that thread moving a bit OT, but it was at least a reasonable discussion.

I’d agree with deletion of offensive posts, etc. But OT posts should just be moved into another thread.
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Cencorship in its most primative form. In the hands of a grumpy Canadian. Sorry I should have split the topic. I can recap for you. Delivery driver gets POed because Owner takes delivery and gets $100 tip, Delivery driver gets POed because tip-out is suggested, Delivery driver suggests regular contributor is breaking the law, I think that sums it up.
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I didn’t even see Snow White mentioned on that thread! (talk about obscure OT references)

You may be right about spliting the topic off. I just hate that we lost the OP somewhere along the line. There could have been some real movement on staff motivation and fiscal ‘equity’ in different positions. New blood/mind is always the best thing for new ideas and new perspectives. :cry:
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Being a moderator is not an easy task. No matter what you do, you are wrong. I am a moderator on a couple of forums and deciding if and when to act is sometimes difficult and then you have to decide what to do.

I think your summary is correct though.
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I didn’t even see Snow White mentioned on that thread! (talk about obscure OT references)

You may be right about spliting the topic off. I just hate that we lost the OP somewhere along the line. There could have been some real movement on staff motivation and fiscal ‘equity’ in different positions. New blood/mind is always the best thing for new ideas and new perspectives. :cry:
I did not delete the OP it was edited by the OPer to say “THANKS”
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Gregster. I had my posts deleted and probably for due cause. One I posted didn’t even get listed probably because it was targetted at your continual ramblings about owners ripping off drivers. I let the vile flow through my fingers and the end result wasn’t pretty, but it didn’t make it and I accept the referee’s decision.
Whenever a post comes up regarding tipping, deliveries etc you turn it into your own self gratifying attack on the owners without even knowing what they pay, how the pay or what conditions they offer their staff. To top it off you pile untold attachments of laws, statutes etc time after time after time. In this post you had the audacity to question an owner on how he can or cannot operate his business. Unles you have the b@lls to put up to set up a business like all the other owners have then what gives you the right to tell someone how to run their buisness. You get lost in your own single viewed ideals.
As many have stated if you have a problem with the organisation you work at then take the issue up with them or if you love the job you do then find another employer who pays what you think is correct, but please don’t hijack a thread and start accusing people of wrong doings when you have no idea how they operate.
I welcome everyones input and comments, even many of your own, but it becomes frustrating when you blast us with your attachments taking the topic off the initial course to push a barrow for drivers - don’t see other drivers doing the same so there must be plenty of happy ones out there.
Please feel free to add your comments as it does give a total industry balance, but please stop with the ramblings and continual implying that us owners are non-compliant. It gets tiring, boring and at times right up our noses to have the veiled implicatons made at us.
Stay on the TT in a constructive manner then you won’t get the adverse comments leveled at you.
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By the by . . . . my wife and I have solved the issue of delivery drivers being far more expensive than productive in our operation. Wife delivers the pizzas. Beautiful thing is that since she is majority owner of the business . . . . NO MINIMUM WAGE ISSUES! Our auto insurance company covers the vehicle, and no whining about delivery order distribution. We are absolutley certain of the performance of duties, have a great opportunity for “face time” with the customers, and we get to hear 1st hand the compliments and the complaints. It is amazing how on-the-spot resolution can make a real difference in customer relationships.

I don’t recommend this to everyone, but these economic times make for creative measures in micro-markets. Scary thing is that she tips back to the inside staff regularly . . . without having to be asked . . . Sometimes I even get a share :lol:
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Scary thing is that she tips back to the inside staff regularly . . . without having to be asked . . . Sometimes I even get a share :lol:
We need to speak to her about this 😛

I’m doing the same thing for the lunch hours right now either I or one of the kitchen help is doing deliveries, It’s not about grabbing tips, it’s about how much time is feasible for a delivery driver to be idle.
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