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Look at a place with no cook top... thoughts?


New member
I’m looking at a small place which overall looks good … there’s currently a smaller double deck BakersPride oven… and they have a single induction range top they use periodically… Any thoughts on making it work without a full stove top? I guess pasta outside of lasagna is out. Any thoughts? Thanks!
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you will find a lot of places here only have an oven in there kitchen.

and with a little ingenuity you will find anything is possible.

I have a breakfast place down the street from me that can’t have a hood so they do everything in electric ovens. they make mostly oatmeal and grits and baked goodies. and they kill it!
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That place down the street must be very old. Currently electric cooking equipment must be under a hood unless they have a builtin system to remove the cooking vapors.
George Mills
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the building is old, the restaurant has only been there for a few years…and they only have standard ovens…they bake bread, cookies, “doughnuts”, cinnamon rolls, cake, pie, Biscuits, eggs, and sausage patties, then keep them warm in steam tables…it works for them. i don’t know if they are breaking the rules but they are busy as all heck!
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Without a hood how are they ventilating all of the compounds released during baking so it doesn’t fill the room. I’ve been in places Internationally that did not have a hood over their ovens, only open windows and doors but still my eyes burned when I entered the store. On of the problems many codes people have found is that the compounds released during baking are actually pretty nasty (yeast leavened products are the worst, some are carcinogens (catalytic converters on commercial bakery oven stacks) while others are corrosive (acids: acetic, lactic and propionic) which will wreck havoc on common ducting which is why hoods utilize stainless steel ducting pipe. The problem occurs when the hot/warm gasses enter into the ducting and as they travel up the duct they begin to cool and the acids begin to condense onto the sides of the ducting which spells the end for the ducting, and then there is the fat/oil in the air that also collects in the ducting. If there is ever an oven fire the ducting will become a blow torch spreading the fire immediately to everything above it and because it is not equipped with a fire suppressing system the outcome is seldom good. Hey, if the codes people let you do it, who am I to say you can’t, just recognize the risks involved.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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