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Looking for a basic employee handbook someone might share.


New member
I’ve been using an old hard copy that I just make copies of. With our new restaurant, I’m going to need to make a lot of changes, but I don’t really want to type out that whole thing if I don’t have to. Anyone have one they could email me that I could customize?

I’d especially be grateful for one from someone with a full bar that addresses all the issues that come along with it.
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Anyone that wants a copy send a request to daddio AT
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Remember that the handbook needs to be state specific.
If you want info on liquor, contact the local board of folks who license and control. I would
venture a guess that any company selling the alcohol to you would also have the info.

I use a PEO and they have provided a handbook that has been approved for free distribution to their clients.
If you use one, they will provide it to you at no charge.

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I have one that was done by a labor attorney. Pm me and I will send it to anybody
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Email me: [email protected] and I’d be happy to share. We have an employee handbook, a food handbook, a servers handbook, and a host/togo handbook. Ill trade for a good closing checklist/system.
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Hi guys,

For those who may be looking to create their own employee handbook, check out the article from last year’s April issue of PMQ where Julie Moore walks you through employee handbook creation. It’s on page 44.

Good luck!
Liz Barrett, editor-at-large
PMQ Pizza Magazine
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