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Looking for a phone system....


New member
I am looking to replace my current phone system with something better. I am not ready to go with VOIP yet. All I really want is something that can handle 4 lines and give me Message on Hold capabilities. All the systems that I have tried, are either made for office buildings or no longer take care of basic pizza shop needs. Anybody like what they are using?
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We use the SynJ system also. It is great! We have went through quite a few handsets - well actually, broken quite a few screens when dropping them on the ground! Otherwise have had no problems, I am actually thinking of getting a 2nd base unit for it. Very easy to setup, can buy replacements on Amazon.
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We use the SynJ system also. It is great! We have went through quite a few handsets - well actually, broken quite a few screens when dropping them on the ground! Otherwise have had no problems, I am actually thinking of getting a 2nd base unit for it. Very easy to setup, can buy replacements on Amazon.
I love having 3 base units for my main order taking stations…can’t beat it for the price
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I have it on my never ending to do list but I am pretty sure you can add it. If I remember correctly fidelity will do it or you can do it yourself. Theuy have all different types of options for closing (attendant, voicemail, etc)
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How many lines do you have and what other kind of features does it come with and how much do you pay a month if you dont mind sharing
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