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Looking for Ideas to Increase Lunch Sales


New member
We just started opening up everyday for lunch, and so far it has been very unpredictable. Some weeks we will have a lunch rush like our dinner rush and other weeks the driver and cook are standing around all day.
We only offer deliver and carry out, no dine in.

One idea I had was to print up a coupon for a free pizza that would only be good from 11 to 3 and drop them off at business with our menu, magnet, and some coupons. This way if they all ready had lunch plans they could use the free pizza coupon later that week.

Wonder what are some other ways people have done to increase day sales.
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Funny that you mention that. I did exactly that and increased my sales as a whole, because of the business clientele ordering with their families at night too.

I printed out lunch time coupons valid from 11-2, and one of them is for a Free Large 1 Topping. I do not drop a menu and such off with it, as I do not want to bombard them, and instead deliver it with the pizza as I find they are more liky to retain it that way.
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