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Looking for New Haven apizza style recipe


New member
I know the dough is simple, but all the recipes I find are small batch/residential. Anyone got a scaled up recipe that works. I assume it’s the same as neapolitan? How long is the rise? Any tips or tricks? Can it be done in a standard deck oven? It appeared that Peace in Chicago was using gas-fired deck ovens.

Just looking at running a weekly special and the thought of little or no cheese on the pizza is enticing.

Thanks in advance,

Next Door Pizza
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You can use your regular Neapolitan pizza formula or if you don’t have one, here is a starter formula:
Flour: 100%
Water: (65F) 65% +/-
Salt: 2.5%
Olive oil: 1%
Yeast: (IDY) 0.375%

Put the water in the bowl first, then add the flour and remainder of dry ingredients, mix approximately 2-minutes at low speed, add the oil and mix one more minute at low speed. Then mix 8-minutes at medium speed. Targeted finished dough temperature is 75 to 80F. Immediately after mixing, scale the dough into 10-ounce pieces for 12" pizzas (dough weight factor:0.0885). Round the dough into balls, or better yet, lightly oil the dough balls and place into individual plastic bags (bread bags). If you do this, you can safely increase the dough absorption to 68%.
Twist the open end of the bag to form a pony tail and tuck this under the dough ball as you place it onto a sheet pan. Store in the cooler for 16 to 24-hours before using. To use the dough, remove from the cooler and allow to temper AT room temperature for about 90-minutes, then turn out of the bag into a bowl of flour and open by hand only. Bake in a deck oven at 600F or more if you can, or if using an air impingement oven, 525F. Dress the pizza skin with tomato sauce flavored with oregano (I like to use fresh oregano) and a light application of Pecorino cheese. You may need to work with your baking time and temperature, especially with an air impingement oven, since they will have different finger configurations. The idea is to achieve a relatively fast bake obtaining some “char” (dark, almost burnt) spots on the bottom and outer edge. The high dough absorption is conducive to this, and to achieving a very light texture that will bake out very crispy. Another way to look at it is as a crispy New York style pizza.
Tom Lehmann/The Dough Doctor
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