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looking for some opinions on my sauce recipe, good or bad

Re: looking for some opinions on my sauce recipe, good or ba

I weigh my ingredients for sauce, so I am flying a little by the seat of my pants. If using dried herbs, then the weights will be around

parsley and oregano .75 to .85 ounces.
Basil will be close to .35 to .4 ounces
Granulated garlic 1.5 ounces
salt 1.5 ounces
Sugar .5 ounces
Water 8.5 lbs
(I’m guessing this is SAPORITO Extra Heavy Pizza Sauce without basil?)

My very first inquiry is whether this is an active recipe in play, or a theoretical one you are developing. If it is in play, the customers like it, and food cost is good, then let it ride.

If this is theoretical, then I would estimate this to be a very heavily flavored sauce that could use a little more finesse for my taste. I personally would balance the flavors a little by backing the garlic to close to .75 to 1 oz . . . and easing back on the oil to 1.5 cups or less.

A little tool someone once taught me that I don’t often give out is about the sweet/acid of the tomato. You have added sugar, I suspect for some flavor balance; I suggest adding just a TBL of vinegar to your sauce. It is a tiny amount, but I suggest that it will bring the tomato flavor fullness right out to more than you had before. The little bit of acid gives those receptors more activity in the taste game, and the perceived flavor is more full/rounder in the mouth. You have a lot already going on in the sauce, so the vinegar should not even be perceived directly . . . but hide in the background being a secret.

I would also offer that you use an unseasoned tomato sauce for some of the water ratio. Water dilutes the tomato flavor, and can actually weep out of the sauce if too much is added . . . getting soggy pizza. Your water looks fine for no weeping, but even an simple, low sodium tomato juice could add bolder tomato flavor to the party. I use 3 cans 7-11 crushed pear tomatoes + 2 cans Saporito Extra Heavy with Basil + 1 cans water + 3.5 total ounces of seasonings (no oil). I may try some olive oil some day, but I favor the simple, clean tomato flavor punctuated with some seasonings. Just my thing. Lots of sweet tomato out front with a little garlic, basil and oregano peeking through.
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Re: looking for some opinions on my sauce recipe, good or ba

As Nick said about using tomato sauce. I use 1 can of stanisluas 7/11 ground tomatoes rather than water. Yes it costs more but tastes better.
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Re: looking for some opinions on my sauce recipe, good or ba

“jokergerm” said:
So we start with

2 cans of statuilus sapatio
1 can water
1/4 cup parsley
1/4 cup oregano
3 TBLS garlic granulated
3 TBLS salt
2 TBLS basil
1 TBLS sugar
2 cups olive oil

please give me your thoughs and input

…I did something like that in the past…
now I use a simple recipe off the Escalon page, think it’s called fresh and tangy, I even use less

to each can of 6n1,
19g salt.7g pepper
2 g dried basil (6 g if fresh)
15 g lemon juice

…sugar is a “no - no” in some oizza circles, darkens the tomato sauce when baked on the pizza,

Re: looking for some opinions on my sauce recipe, good or ba
So we start with

2 cans of statuilus sapatio
1 can water
1/4 cup parsley
1/4 cup oregano
3 TBLS garlic granulated
3 TBLS salt
2 TBLS basil
1 TBLS sugar
2 cups olive oil

please give me your thoughs and input

thanks guys
why the water!! well i do not know about sapatio if i were you i would use 6-11 fresh garlic fresh herbs and let it set for 2 days in the fridg before i use it as far as your formula 3 tbs of powdered garlic is too much 2 cups of olive oil is too much that will mask all the flavors i ll do 1/2 a cup or less what do you want you sauce to say? tomato basil or oil tomato that is what you need to figure out .
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Re: looking for some opinions on my sauce recipe, good or ba
So we start with

2 cans of statuilus sapatio
1 can water
1/4 cup parsley
1/4 cup oregano
3 TBLS garlic granulated
3 TBLS salt
2 TBLS basil
1 TBLS sugar
2 cups olive oil

please give me your thoughs and input
thanks guys
My batches consisted of 8 cans, 4 7/11 Stanislaus Ground and 4 Stanislaus Valoroso, whole, peeled. The whole peeled went into the FP with my other ingredients and then everything into a giant stainless steel pot and SLOWLY heated. When at proper temp after setting, to the walkin for a min 15 hours.

I would

delete water
delete oregeno or really reduce it
increase sugar slightly
delete salt
add fresh grated parm
add fresh diced garlic
add interesting ingredient/s that might boost it

So many differing options to consider, good luck.

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Re: looking for some opinions on my sauce recipe, good or ba


its like glue!!!
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Re: looking for some opinions on my sauce recipe, good or ba

its like glue!!!
I find it to be as thick as drywall compound/spackle. That is, if my assumption is right that you are using Saporito Super Heavy . . . sapatio does not show up on Stanislaus’ website. Knowing the real, for sure product name makes a very big difference in these discussions.

You gotta cut Saporito Super Heavy with something, and water will meet the requirement of “something”. The single element it brings to the recipe is fluidity, the absolutely necessary one. Without a fluid added, you will need to spread it on with a trowel.
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Re: looking for some opinions on my sauce recipe, good or ba

I have found that simplicity is the key when it comes to sauce. The crust is what sells the pizza. The sauce is better served if it is really basic and not too over the top.

here’s what I do, and it is a great hit.

3 T Dry Oregano
1.5 T Dry Thyme
1 C dry white wine
1.5 minced onions
7 gloves garlic chopped
3 T olive oil
60 oz tomato sauce
30oz tomato paste

salt and pepper to taste

saute the onions untill translucent add the herbs and garlic cook 3 min add wine. reduce till almost dry.

Add tomato products and cook till breaking down. Puree and use on pizza

makes about a gallon of sauce.

now remember: garlic activates the pectin in the tomato and thickens it while cooling so you may have to add water the next day.

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Re: looking for some opinions on my sauce recipe, good or ba

I use the recipe on the Escalon site called “fresh and tangy”
I use the exact seasoning for salt, pepper, sweet basil, and lemon juice and leave the others out; I find simpler is better…
there are good recipes at Stanislaus and the PMQ recipe bank also…
check them out and see which one(s) you feel most comfortable with for you and go from there.
hope that helps,
Re: looking for some opinions on my sauce recipe, good or ba
I have found that simplicity is the key when it comes to sauce. The crust is what sells the pizza. The sauce is better served if it is really basic and not too over the top.

here’s what I do, and it is a great hit.


makes about a gallon of sauce.

now remember: garlic activates the pectin in the tomato and thickens it while cooling so you may have to add water the next day.

I think I have a different philosophy that it is my sauce that has the most impact on character of my pizza, and what “sells” my pies. Crust is important, but the sauce and balance of sauce to crust & cheese is my key.

Also, 1 gallon seems a tiny batch size . . . even my little shop makes about 4 gallon batches.
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Re: looking for some opinions on my sauce recipe, good or ba

that was just the base recipe. Every recipe can be scaled up.
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Re: looking for some opinions on my sauce recipe, good or ba
that was just the base recipe. Every recipe can be scaled up.
Folks new to sauce formulation need to know very clearly that you CANNOT MULTIPLY SPICES. You need to get in the neighborhood and then adjust. If you use 3 Tablespoons of dry oregano in one gallon (actually about 98 oz) of sauce you CANNOT just put in 12 tablespoons (3/4 cup) for a 4-gallon batch.

On a more important note, the wine reduction is a nice step. Yours looks to be a cooked sauce, too. I would offer to you that you try a test batch without the “cooking till it breaks down” step if you have not already. I can’t say for absolute certain, but you might get a brighter tomato flavor just letting it cook on the pie. You may need that pre-cooking step, though with the high ratio of paste you have in it.

Regardless of what I say . . . if you are pleased, and the customers like it, then sell it and sleep well. Success comes from selling the market what they like.

Bake on and keep the tomatoes out of the ductwork. :shock:
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Re: looking for some opinions on my sauce recipe, good or ba
Yours looks to be a cooked sauce, too. I would offer to you that you try a test batch without the “cooking till it breaks down” step if you have not already. I can’t say for absolute certain, but you might get a brighter tomato flavor just letting it cook on the pie.
Yup. Only get to cook a tomato sauce once… that wonderful aroma you smell when it cooks will not be there on your pie. Once the volatiles are cooked out, that’s it. Better to save it for the pie. Or you can cook part of the sauce if you need to reduce, then add back in some uncooked tomato sauce.
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Re: looking for some opinions on my sauce recipe, good or ba

Man, I can’t believe all the things you guys go through to make your sauce.
Full red
Much simpler and oh so good.Anyone ever try it?The big pizzeria in my area(about 25 miles away)that started this, I would say does about 2 mil. a yr.I have soooooo many customers say they are addicted to my sauce.
Steady 7-8K a week,never advertised or sent out a coupon once and no CC accepted either.Started from scratch 6 mos. ago.
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Re: looking for some opinions on my sauce recipe, good or ba
Man, I can’t believe all the things you guys go through to make your sauce.
Full red
Much simpler and oh so good.Anyone ever try it?The big pizzeria in my area(about 25 miles away)that started this, I would say does about 2 mil. a yr.I have soooooo many customers say they are addicted to my sauce.
Steady 7-8K a week,never advertised or sent out a coupon once and no CC accepted either.Started from scratch 6 mos. ago.
which full red are you using???paste or other???
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Re: looking for some opinions on my sauce recipe, good or ba

thx misteroman for sharing,
i am going to try this formula,mine is very complicated
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Re: looking for some opinions on my sauce recipe, good or ba

I am also sitting here reading ALL these ing. you are all putting in a simple pizza sauce!I am not knocking any of them but we just use a fully prep Stanislaus and add a bit of salt to wake up the flavors.This will 1,keep consistency at all times.2,Kids prefer this sauce over every flavored sauce you can think of because it is simple.3,Why add that much more work to your daily routines?For those that like ALL the seasonings on there pizza,well there are the good ole fashion shakers of s+p,garlic,oreg.,etc…once again I am NOT saying that any of your sauces aren’t delicious,but just not simple at all.Let your crust and a good chse. blend that we spend a chit load of $$ on these days speak for themselves…just my 3 cents
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