Looking for suggestions


New member
Sorry in advance for the long post. Beginning is back story, the end is my question. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

We are an independent DELCO that opened in 2011. In May of 2018 we “bought out” another local DELCO, whose owner wanted to get out of the business, and moved to a more favorable and centralized location in town, but still a very small space (approximately 1,000 square feet), in a small no name shopping center.

It allowed us to better market ourselves, and we quickly began increasing our sales. We are now finding ourselves strapped for space, both refrigerated and dry storage, and our productivity drops during peak times because of it.

About three months ago an old Papa John’s location came available for rent. Ironically, it was the store I got my start in back in 2006, and was the General Manager of from 2007 to 2011, until I opened up my independent. It is also in a nice shopping center, again more centralized in our delivery area, with several other businesses, a traffic light exiting the plaza to assist leaving on deliveries in any direction (currently drives have to try to cross 4 lanes of one way travel, to sit at a light to u-turn, if they want to go left out of the store), and it is 1,500 square feet with a nice layout.

This allows us to upgrade to a bigger walkin, fix our storage issues, and work with a proven store layout.

Unfortunately, I still have 3 years left in my current lease. Now, after doing much analysis, I have come to the conclusion that it would be more financially beneficial for me to make the move, and continue to payout on my existing lease until it expires, or until someone else wants to rent it.

However, as we are putting all new equipment in our new store (bigger walkin, bigger oven, bigger makeline), it occurs to me that I may be able to transform my existing location into another DELCO style busy, with minimal cost. But there are some caveats to that

We are only required to, and therefore only have, a heat transfer hood. No ansul system. This means no fryer, flat top, etc.

We have a small double stack Lincoln impinger 1400. 8x10 walkin, pizza prep table, commercial grade upright freezer, and spare point of sale system.

I have thought about utilizing the recipes and menu that the store I bought out had used, as they are different from mine, and operating two DELCOs in the same trade area, that offer differing products. But I am also looking for ideas or opinions from others as to different DELCo style businesses, other than pizza, that i could easily transform it into.

Currently my menu offers: Hand Tossed, Thim Crust, and Cauliflower crust pizzas, Subs, Salads, Wings, Pasta Dinners, and Burgers.

Any suggestions or opinions would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance fellow TTers.